Posts by Cottura9Minuti
I dont think he ever said he owns one, he's simply asking for a price check as far as what he wrote.
I bought one about 6 months ago for 50a, Its definetly one of the most common q8 swords so depending on interest, it should be around that range
Hey, How much would cost a gold trim service for my guild?
Let's get to work coders! (or not)
Update -- November 25, 2024
- Compiler upgraded to VS 2022. No other changes.
I really need to stop getting excited whenever I see a new update, it always end up being some nerdy shit
I asked them in party chat about any plans for 20th anniversary, and they said we should be getting new quests, including rewards of rare minipets that haven’t been available for years! Really awesome to see the ANET team online and interacting with the community!
Screenshot or didn't happen
Yey! Thanks to double week finally after nearly 2 decades i maxed the last PvE title. I allways been on kurzick guild so making luxon never was on to do list but lately finally got onto it xD
Good 38 max now with it
That's rookie numbers for the chests tho ! that doesn't go unnoticed !
Wait til you find out that not all chests gives treasure points
A total of 28 Mini Kanaxais were introduced into the game.
A total of 43 Everlasting Reindeer Tonics were introduced into the game.
A total of 66 Miniature Mad King's Guards were introduced into the game.
A total of 146 Miniature Pandas were introduced into the game.
A total of 146 Miniature Island Guardians were introduced into the game.Now take those numbers, add the dupe factor and it all becomes a mystery.
Anyway, as has been said, the key point that the OP seems to not understand is that rarer doesn't always mean more expensive. It's all about supply and demand, and tonic is usually on the lower-interest side of things; otherwise, henchman tonics would be selling for way more than Kanaxai's. -
Heya ladies and gentlemen of Guild Wars 1,
some collections are simply breathtakingly beautiful.
Please, allow me to show you something, dear beloved GWL community: my very own personal and humble collection of historic guilds!
You must have gotten a heart attack when the gold trim update came in, ripbozo
To open chest
Can you solo all of DoA or are you just doing a single area?
Is it really actually profitable? I'm not sure how it works but I assumed it's something people just do for the challenge and that the cons it requires cost more than you make with it?
Yes you can solo all, takes around 1h30 if you barely know what you're doing (record is like 45min but you should use a slower and safer strat)
It's actually very profitable, and the combined costs of cons and pcons are negligible compared to the drops from 8x4 chests and foes.
Don't listen to the others I have the fastest tutorial to earn money 💰
Step 1) buy items from Chinese guys in kamadan for cheap 🈴
Step 2) sell items on legacy for big money to the avids collectors (am part of them) 🥸
Exactly, just roleplay the goold old gwlegacy trader and spend your day in kama asking to buy "any OS item" and you'll surely end up with a few clueless returning players to scam and sell their items for x20 on here.
Is it especially for Guild Wars 1 Developer or also for Guild wars 2 ones?
Since theres only one Guild Wars 1 dev Im sure you can guess the answer
So you managed to intentionally do it? That’s pretty cool!
You could also probably time it pretty accuratly with locked chest
Hard to say I saw people buying for 5e each but honestly they are pretty hard to find now a days for some reasons.
I would say 5-8e each imo
Im guessing it is because it's not worth it to craft royal gifts, as you would make much more money just by selling war supplies instead as its price has skyrocketed in the past year orso
I didn't understand the enthusiasm for it. Basically, the npj agrees to be sold Celestial Sigils, that's all? ->
Sigil Trader now has inventory
It's quite easy to understand, though.
It's not just about what he fixes; it's the fact he has been actively involved in taking actions to correct/update the game and has been doing it for weeks now. And who knows what he's going to do next.
That's where the enthusiasm comes from.
mybad I'll also make a whole thread on legacy and upload a youtube video each time I drop a blackdye or a +50hp rune I'm sure alot of people will care
You know q8 offhands are not that rare and are the most commun q8 to drop right? Waiting for the q8 sword video which would actually be a pretty rare drop unlike all of these
weird prices tbh considering this skin isn't rare at all, I got x3 flatbows (q9 purple, q10 & q12 gold) + recurve/short/hornbows after only chestrunning jokos for about 3hours
Could I get a PC on this please. ty
Mostly because MATs has been unplayable due to people ddosing every teams to win the whole thing.
I guess they'll do the same for daily ATs too now if they're brave enough.
And if goldtrim service reaches a stupid high price due to insanely high demand, which is what is going to happen, I dont see why they wouldnt continue doing the same thing in MATs if its still lucrative.
Pretty poor choice from anet once again, they chose the easy way instead of fixing their game...
Best outcome : Syncers/botters as the providers will get even richer and everyone will have a goldtrim which will make it not special anymore
RIP to the boys who paid hundreds of euros/thousands of armbraces for a goldtrim guild, hope you guys enjoyed it while it lasted
Pongmei is not nice at the moment no degats max for these pairs of daggers !
you can't get MAX DAMAGE q8 daggers...
Is it possible that they still live ban ?
Whenever some mod logs in (which rarely happens) he can ban a few gold sellers in kama but thats pretty much it.
there is no cap, you can buy as many as you want
i've seen it before on pvx :…t_Undead_Farmer
I don't know if the build there is better than yours or not.
It says July 2022
Bump, selling all to c/o in a day
Agree, what about the title "Godfather" for 35 maxranks (my main has 37 maxtitles and will never get any further titles, so someone else can think of a titlename for 40 maxranks, muahaha)?
I think "Elite Syncer" would be a very suitable name for the 40maxrank one