Hey there. I like to know the worth of these 2 beauties. Thx

CLOSED PC Dual Vamp Longbow | Dual Zeal War Hammer
TheOldy -
April 1, 2021 at 9:32 AM -
Hi whats the skin of the war hammer ?
For the bow i would take what ever is offered to me
Hi whats the skin of the war hammer ?
War hammer (spiked)
There are collectors out there. For specially hammers we got a Duo Vamp/dual Zeal collector here
also some players like Cash or Kuginii look for weapons with q9 and all mods.
maybe multiple people are interessted so i would recommend an auction. similar items ranged from 50-150e
(even more when bidwars happend and crazy sale numbers of 250e-400e happend for DV/DZ weapons)
April 3, 2021 at 3:00 PM Changed the title of the thread from “PC Dual Vamp Longbow | Dual Zeal War Hammer” to “CLOSED PC Dual Vamp Longbow | Dual Zeal War Hammer”. -
April 3, 2021 at 4:25 PM Closed the thread.