Price Check insc and OS weapons [CLOSED] Please
goth -> merch hero/ 3e...
wayward : same
zodiac dom i would merch and i would do so for all NON q9 20/10 zodiac
emerald blade i think 30-40-50e check kamadan trade chat pls
adamantine is probably 10-20e not too sure on that...
i would merch or 5e the draco aegis
Please can you just detail each weapon please i didn't put numbers for nothing
Thank you
1: ......
2: ......
ect -
5. 5-10e
6. ~15-20e
1. Merch
2. Mêrche
3. Kaufmann
4. коммерсант
7. Shonin
8. Tajir
69. merchande
420. købmand
1337. next-time-please-check-the-numbers-yourself-he-wrote-all-the-names-and-please-be-a-bit-thankful
September 23, 2021 at 5:53 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Price Check insc and OS weapons” to “Price Check insc and OS weapons [CLOSED] Please”. -
September 26, 2021 at 8:34 PM Closed the thread.