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IvoryR -
June 24, 2017 at 9:24 AM -
Martial Q9:
Sai 15^50 ---1e
Celestial Daggers +5 ---2e
Chromium Shards 15^50 ---2e
Golden Talons +5 ---1e
Oni Blade 15^50 ---1eIGN: Barnard Gumble
Agent Chevy
20/10 Bo
Curses, Fire, Illusion, Domination, Channeling - 20e each
Bo 20/10 - Channeling, Fire, Domination - 25e each
Communing 20e -
Q13 Fire Platinum Wand 10/10 25e
Q10 Domination Forbidden Staff 75e
Q11 Water Wand 10/10 20e
Q12 Air Wand 10/10 15e -
100e q13 smite bds
15e Celestial Daggers +5
150e q13 smite bdsIGN: Turear Nareiva
Q9 Str Bladed +30, -3^Hexed : 150e
Q9 Prot CC : 80e
Q9 Death CC : 50eIGN: Emperor Kul
Q13 Smite BDS - 250e
IGN : No Ban For Me
Q9 Blood Platinum Wand +5^E, HSR Blood 20% - 10e
Q13 Smite BDS - 300e
IGN: Turear Nareiva
Q13 Smite BDS - 325e
IGN : No Ban For Me
Q13 Smite BDS - 350e
bumps, added a few items and a couple b/o's on insc items. Put most bidded on items as sold, waiting on replies
200e on Q9 Str Bladed +30, -3^Hexed
ign: Zenedar Shadowfang
10k each:
Q9 Smiting Rod HSR Smite 20%, +5^50
Jitte 15^50
FDS +5
Chromium Shards 15^50
Chromium Shards +5 -
250 on Q9 Str Bladed +30, -3^Hexed
260e on Q9 Str Bladed +30, -3^Hexed
bump, added a few things
Q13 Divine Platinum Wand HSR Spells 10%, +15 -1 15e
FDS +5 3e
Chromium Shards +5 x2 3e/eaign Blazed Xian
Q9 Composite Bow 15^50 -- 10k
IGN: Antigone Amidala
Q9 Smiting Winged Staff HCT Heal 20% - 10e pls
Q8 - Elonian Blade (blue, 15-22) - 50e
Katana +5
1e -
BO Wingcrest Maul
Staves offer 15e ea (90e total)
20/10 outcast Air
20/10 Shadow staves Earth, Fire, Water
20/10 Jade staff Channeling
20/10 Cockatrice Earth -
Q9 Celestial Longbow 15^50 --->2e
IGN: Linda Belcher
100e tall shield
150e tallshield
170e tall shield
bump - updated a bit
Q9 Inspiration Frog - b/o 50e
Q13 Death Platinum Staff 50e
ign sena castri
bump, added a couple items again - added some b/o's
Bo - Illusion, Smiting, Curses, Blood - 100e
20/10 Bo - Curses, Communing, Blood, Spawning, Illusion, Smiting
b/o if you still have these