575a === Zippy
Closed. WTS undedicated unded clean Zippy / aka miniature Greased Lightning
I retract my offer. Apologies. Just bought one.
Since 9 people decided to pm me during the past 2 weeks to sell me their zippy for 550a, ill withdraw my offer from here, this mini isn't that rare and no point in inflating it's value.
10a on zippy
11a + unded Fungal Wallow
11a + 1 ecto + 1 gold zcoin + 1 genox’s bénédiction on that beautiful zippy
Cool a bid war
so 15a+1 balthazard focus domination no mod+ one kiss from Mango
i cant go higher it's my best offer
15a+stack of tanned hide squares+ 33 zashien tonics. If he sell now to me I will also include a complimentary 5plat and 642g as that is all i have
15a + 250 red iris + unded cobalt scabara + goren hammer.
15a+250 red iris + 3 green droknars staves all in earth magic
sorry boys im going to win this, I up my ante to 4 droknars staves all in earth magic
it's gonna be hard to do better,
well 16a+eotn run free+ a picture of MINI_ panda
18a + a strongly worded joke directed towards your mother
19a + -55hp cesta + 10 normal warrior tome
I got a massive 21a on it+ a req13 insc crystalline sword as well as a white req8 armor 16 reinforced buckler. also I will delete my ironman as part of the deal
If any one else who owns a unded zippy wants to pm me and counteroffer, hit me up.
500a + 5 unids (interested to buy unded one, you can hit me up by pm)
Bump accept only b/o.
June 16, 2022 at 12:37 AM Closed the thread. -
June 16, 2022 at 12:37 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS undedicated unded clean Zippy / aka miniature Greased Lightning” to “Closed. WTS undedicated unded clean Zippy / aka miniature Greased Lightning”. -