(close pliz) Prenerf Milefaun's Staff?

  • Hey,

    The issue with the official Wiki is they group the mods together and list Energy +15 instead of Energy +10 / Energy +5, that's why it's not really useful to check the prenerf greens...

    If we follow the general green staff pattern, a prenerf Milefaun should be modded : Energy +5 / Domination +1/20%, and should look like this old screenshot

    (Screenshot from the PN green thread here : Greens )

    In conclusion : the stat order of your staff isn't prenerf. There might be a very small chance that it's color is prenerf and different than the current one. You should get in touch with the main PN green expert ( Unholy ) and i'm sure he will be able to confirm the color in game.


    IGN : Veni Vidi Wiki

    WTB Triple prof wands + Aegis/SotW + Prenerf runes + Sanhan's Staff (here)

  • Yep yep, unfortunately the wiki isn't a very reliable resource for this kinda thing. That was one of the initial struggles Oldschool Cool and I had when we started this project. There was no consistent source of information to reference what we found against. Some articles may have +60 when it's really +30 +30 and vice versa, or have the mods swapped around in some other way. Additionally, as the wiki images were added by various people at various times, some will show prenerf colors and some postnerf.

    Happy to meet with you in game and check it for color, but this is one of the ones I don't expect to show any change in that category.

    Kudos for making a post though. Keep an eye out for future ones ;)

    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread

  • Great info both, thanks a lot.

    I will get from heroes some of those old forgot greenies that could be and happy to meet you too for verification :)

    Give me couple of days pliz

    Thanks a lot!!


    Could check all greenies and just sure 100% in 1 prenerf (i even got both versions with diff stats) but in the others I need help to verify (look the same for me in most cases) vs prenerf guide

    Leave pic of the 100% sure one. Doubt, price this could have?

    Edited once, last by Chesnagor (January 17, 2022 at 5:19 PM).

  • Chesnagor January 17, 2022 at 11:02 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Prenerf Milefaun's Staff?” to “(close pliz) Prenerf Milefaun's Staff?”.
  • bsoltan January 18, 2022 at 1:32 AM

    Closed the thread.