Got a lucky drop in Urgoz's warren. Any idea what it's worth?

CLOSED | PC on OS Zodiac stance shield (str)
At least : 20 arms.
Probably quite a bit more than 10a. Put it for sale and let people bid on it.
Imo 50a+
@purley and my q8 aegis -2+45wE are 50-60?? These pricechecks are just insane. 😅
This is a really nice shield, I rarely ever see them with perfect mods that are very useful for a warrior and with str req.. I with purely on his pc 50a++
agree with purely +50a
@purley and my q8 aegis -2+45wE are 50-60?? These pricechecks are just insane. 😅
apples and oranges. know the difference
Nice drop. I would keep it personally if I dropped it but if your after a price then a sell thread is the best way to determine that. A dual enchant q9 tactics zodiac sat at 60a offer for a long time before the owner decided not to sell it.
As for the apple and oranges, q8 is rarer then q9 so should be worth more. Ya I don’t get the market either, and then to think that a q7 prenerf shield will get offers of 100-250a however a q9 “botted skin” with a demon mod will sell for 200-500a. Ya go figure
As for the apple and oranges, q8 is rarer then q9 so should be worth more. Ya I don’t get the market either, and then to think that a q7 prenerf shield will get offers of 100-250a however a q9 “botted skin” with a demon mod will sell for 200-500a. Ya go figure
1. different skins
2. different attributes
3. different stats
The only ways these items are similar are that they are both shields and both can still drop (that is, if you know where to look).
Markets are determined not only by the supply (rarity), but also the demand (zodiac >>>> aegis). i didn't think i'd have to explain that here. I thought this was a price check post, not a lets-compare-the-value-of-this-shield-to-an-unrelated-shield post.
I've seen more q7 -2-2 dual reduction shields in the last 6 months than I've seen q9t 45wE 10 demon echovalds in the last 3 years of being around. Go figure.
Rating of skins is personal choice. I gave the OP the correct answer instead of a crystal ball guess which is to keep or make a sell thread and let the buyers decide the price (could be 5a or 5,000a). As for botted skins, those would be bladed, outcast, echo and the likes, it’s pretty hard to find a skin that isn’t botter these days.
Rarity wise a q9 demon 45hp isn’t rarer then a q8 dual enchant in my opinion as a farmer/runner but perhaps in your instance after the botting deal that went bad you just don’t get shown any making you believe it’s worth more then majority of stuff.
As for q7 dual reds, they are the same ones just swapping hands and majority seem to sell for a loss because they need fast armbraces.
Anyways good luck with the sale op or if you decide to keep it.
I gave the OP the correct answer instead of a crystal ball guess
So basically you gave him no answer (just list it for sale), spammed his price check thread, and belittled the price check opinions of those who actually did give him an answer. Got it.
It seems this "debate" over how awkwardly items are valued from time to time would be better off in a discussion thread. None of these concepts are new.
To the OP: The only reason I keep replying to this is to give you confidence that this shield is in fact worth more than some may say regardless of "better" or "more rare" shields being listed or bid on for less. You found a gem.
So basically you gave him no answer (just list it for sale), spammed his price check thread, and belittled the price check opinions of those who actually did give him an answer. Got it.
Now while having an opinion and wild guesses on prices could be useful to OP? Unless your name is Nostradamus then giving him a price is exactly that. Wild guesses. Bids will determine the price of this item.
Beacon's Search
January 22, 2022 at 4:02 PM Changed the title of the thread from “PC on OS Zodiac stance shield (str)” to “CLOSED | PC on OS Zodiac stance shield (str)”. -
Now while having an opinion and wild guesses on prices could be useful to OP?
1. It wasn't a wild guess.
2. If you think this way, then why are you even posting? Could you possibly have an ulterior motive?
January 23, 2022 at 3:05 AM Closed the thread.