got those non-matching but 20/20 monkey stuff, any ideas?
CLOSED Holy Staff q9 DF 20/20 Prot, Smiting rod q10 20/20 Healing/DF
Holy staff is 10-15e at max hard sell. I would put it on talko
Smiting rod is 5e to Oldschool Cool if he wants to save it or merch
agreed. if it was a Bo skin u could get a lot, i've sold q9 same stats 22a
holy staff 5e
the smiting mixed 2020 rod is whatever the person wants to buy it for,since its useless.
thank you all very much!
please close
January 29, 2022 at 9:05 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Holy Staff q9 DF 20/20 Prot, Smiting rod q10 20/20 Healing/DF” to “CLOSED Holy Staff q9 DF 20/20 Prot, Smiting rod q10 20/20 Healing/DF”. -
January 30, 2022 at 12:34 AM Closed the thread.