WWW 2a to begin with
WTS Miscellaneous [Last update: 02/10]
Teh -
April 20, 2022 at 12:38 PM -
July 30, 2022 at 7:00 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Miscellaneous (Inscr. | OS | Q8Str Echovald -2wE +29)” to “WTS Miscellaneous (Inscr. | OS | Q8Str Echovald -2wE +29 | 20/19 Curses Wayward)”. -
S/b Spiked Targe curses
5a WwWwWwWwWwWwW
6a wayward
8a www
#15 25e
Thanks for the offers
Added: -
Wayward Blood 1a
Will be away 5 days, but if still available,
Inscr str9 darkwing defender - 20
IGN: Vi Malleus
August 3, 2022 at 7:54 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Miscellaneous (Inscr. | OS | Q8Str Echovald -2wE +29 | 20/19 Curses Wayward)” to “WTS Miscellaneous (Q8Str Echovald -2wE +29 | 20/19 Curses Wayward | Q10Str Exalted +30 -2wS)”. -
Added/Edited: R/B & B/O for multiple items La Rana mossonbarkoncommand Ash23 MarkTheAmFah Olaffer @shield plz
New item, fresh from the Deep oven: -
Q10 Str Exalted -2 St +30 5a
VERY interested in b/o ☺️
Thanks for bringing this to my attention
30a exalted
#11 5esorry gotta retract Teh , already bought an exact duplicate
40a exalted
50a exalted
60a Exalted
Thank you for the bids Olaffer T Miles Guava Red Fireball rupt -
80a exalted
90a exalted
retracting offer in 3 days, has been too long
100a exalted
105a exalted
110a exalted
exalted :O 125a :O
R/b 3a blunt echo
135a exalted
Both Wayward Wands will be sold in 24 hours from now to the highest bid.
La Rana Ash23
Thanks for the bid on the Exalted Aegis.
The Exalted Aegis will be sold in 72 hours from now to the highest bid. A B/O of 170A has been set on it and can't be over reached.
T Miles
The Q8 Echovald Shield has been removed from the shop due to not reaching the R/B.
The Q10S Echovald Shield +45wE/+10Blunt has been won by Kyle .
Removed old items without any interest.
Added: -
Ornate shield blunt 50e
Insc q9s darkwing defender 25e
August 8, 2022 at 8:26 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Miscellaneous (Q8Str Echovald -2wE +29 | 20/19 Curses Wayward | Q10Str Exalted +30 -2wS)” to “WTS Miscellaneous (20/19 Curses Wayward | Q10Str Exalted +30 -2wS)”. -
Both Wayward Wands have been sold to the highest bidders.
The Exalted Aegis will be sold in 48 hours from now to the highest bid.
C/O: 135A Guava
B/O: 170A -
August 8, 2022 at 9:54 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Miscellaneous (20/19 Curses Wayward | Q10Str Exalted +30 -2wS)” to “WTS Miscellaneous (Q10Str Exalted +30 -2wS C/O 135A B/O 170A)”. -
The Exalted Aegis will be sold in 24 hours from now to the highest bid.
C/O: 135A Guava
B/O: 170A
IGN : Teh Luvs Me
SB crude :))
Q9 oni naked 10e