A1 : 300e

December 10, 2022 at 10:52 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE:06/12 || Added new: Aegis / SotW-section | DEMON+PLANT-shields | new 20/20 Wands!! |||| 20/20 q9-staff section || OS-shields|| BLADED bundle || Chaos Axe - set || :)” to “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE:10/12 || Added new: SHADOW SHIELDS & low q BLADED |||| DEMON+PLANT-shields | 20/20 Wands!! | OS-shields|| || :)”. -
Like always, i'll sell some stuff when I'm back from my trip on tuesday / wednesday!
Added new: some shadow (-undead) shields and 3 low q bladed from my collection.
enjoy xoxo -
q9 shadow -2wE/10 undead 10a
Up (:
thx for your bids!
Also got some bids via discord for the bladed. Will update it when i find the time🙈
Happy pre-christmas time & enjoy the snow
December 15, 2022 at 9:13 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE:10/12 || Added new: SHADOW SHIELDS & low q BLADED |||| DEMON+PLANT-shields | 20/20 Wands!! | OS-shields|| || :)” to “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE:15/12 || Added new: BLADED mod set + LOW insc. Shield colletion |||| | 20/20 Wands!! | || || :)”. -
Added now:
- 2 Bladed shields with 2 mod combinations
- my personal low q shield collection.. some shields are looking for new owners!
xoxo -
Tell Shield q8 200e and q7 100e
Earth wand 20/20 fire 3a
Ign Aaron D Ankle Bitur or Prince Aaron D Mors
q8/16 Adamantine 300e
Woven & crude tactics : 75e / each
7/15 tact woven 50e
8/16 scarabshell 1a
q3 sun and moon 25e
tallshield 8/16 2a
Scarabshell 8/16 2a
Scarabshell 8/16 3a
scarab 5a
Tell Shield q8 3a
thx for the bids!
xoxo -
7/15 tact woven 100e
Woven tactics : 110e
tall 4a
Tell Shield q8 5a
bladed q9 st/ench 388 gv
100e -
50e q3 Sun & Moon
75e q3 sun and moon
100e sun & moon
220e Q7 Crude
200e Q7 Woven (tac)
Q4 Eagle Defender 50e
Crude & Woven tactics : 1a + 100e each
Crude and Woven 2a/ea
Crude & Woven tactics : 2a + 50e each
65e Q3 Tac Militia
50e Q7 Com Suntouched
25e Q7 Com Goldleaf
50e Q7 Com Eagle Defender
50e Q7 Com Scarab Shell
500e Q7 Tac Crude
550e Q7 Tac Woven
Up (:
Got a lot going on atm, but i’ll update everything this afternoon!
Enjoy xoxo
Q9 Tactics Bladed Shield
+45 Health While Stance
-2 Damage While Enchant
Not the 388 gold value one
1 Armbrace Offer
IGN Montrell Detox.
388GV Bladed 1a
Spawning Wand q9, 20/20 Channeling - 1a
2a on spawning wand
3a spawn wand
10a spawn wand
December 25, 2022 at 11:29 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE:15/12 || Added new: BLADED mod set + LOW insc. Shield colletion |||| | 20/20 Wands!! | || || :)” to “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE25/12 ||: Spawning wand q9 20/20 CHANNELING | & some low q insc shields || (:”. -
Up (:
Lovely family time to everyone!
50e on the unident adamantine shield
January 3, 2023 at 3:33 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE25/12 ||: Spawning wand q9 20/20 CHANNELING | & some low q insc shields || (:” to “Cute's-shop ||UPDATE 03/01 ||: Aegis, Magmas + off-hands (Jug, Fan, bon charm) |||| Spawning wand q9 20/20 CHANNELING || :)”. -