Where are some suggested locations for celestial staves?
Do mantids drop them outside Nahpui, or is it just the chests? Are vermin better? Or kappa??
Where are some suggested locations for celestial staves?
Do mantids drop them outside Nahpui, or is it just the chests? Are vermin better? Or kappa??
I think mantids is your best option.
I like the xuangh sky way chest run / Vermine farm.
U can chest run it very fast oder go for the farm and open 1-4 chests on that run Wich contains around 1-2 big balls of vermines. Depends on how greedy you pull π
On NM I liked the farm + chestrun because u can drop q7 neo max stuff as well.
Overral during favor I suggest the farm + chestrun option and on non-favor(most of the time) just chestin
Mantids drop them, but try to only farm them during favor to avoid overfarming them. Once the anti farm code kicks in the gold item drop rate gets soul-crushingly bad.
temple guardians in zin ku drop them as well
But for frequency id suggest chest runs as well
Drop very often
temple guardians in zin ku drop them as well
But for frequency id suggest chest runs as well
Drop very often
Chest runs in hard mode for vermin?
Chest runs in hard mode for vermin?
If the only purpose is celestial staves probably yes. HM gives you way more golds + in NM the staves are mostly nonmax there
Chest runs in hard mode for vermin?
100% hm if after staves as system.fan explained!
other than that nahpui quarter mission all mobs drop cele weps, whereas the starlight (that drop the staves) are somewhat tricky to farm.
Chest runs in hard mode for vermin?
Yeah these are somewhat easy on classic runner build with sf and shrous.
Up to 3 chests in ~2 min
Very good frequency
You'll probably get 1 staff in 10 runs
Didnt do the math but there is alot of cele drops there
Nm only interesting for max q8 shields and sword
But really low drop rates for that
If you are interested in the staves stick to hm
Salv the non usable cele weaps for dust, this way you get alot of your money back
I would also recommend xaqung chestrun with only vermin part. Shitload of celes; 1-3 chests (most of the time 2) in 80-90 sec. Also it doesn't drop runes.
Let me know if you get a 20/20 q9 Death Magic staff because I'll buy it off you straight away.