30a dadao
New items 20250119 : New OS Shields (r/b and b/o added)
50a dadao
60a dadao
70a dadao
SX_47 - 1a BO
SX_67 BO 8a
Last Bump
sx 40 4a
February 28, 2023 at 12:50 AM Changed the title of the thread from “New Items 02-22-2023 : Dadao Q8 15-22 15/ench - New OS Shields - Staff : Kappa, Amber Aegis, Echovald, Gothic Defender, Ornate, Plagueborn | Outcast Staff, Plagueborn Staff, Raven Staff” to “New Items 02-27-2023 : Inscribable items for sale : Shields, Eternal bow, Colossal Scimitar, Voltaic Spear, Shinobi Blade, Mursaat Hammer...”. -
Bump with inscribable ittems
I'll Buy:
Darkwing Defender Q9 Tactic (x1) : 30e
Spiked Club Q9 (x1) : 20e
Amethyst Aegis q9 tac 1x
CC q9 channeling 1x
Platinium wand Q9 Domination 1x
Have a good day! xoxo
I’ll buy Heleyn’s insight and vetauras harbinger x1 each
Pyroclastic axe *1
Testubo hammer *1
Colossal scimitar *1
Celestial Compas Q9 Channeling (x1) : 20e/ea
I'll buy this one
IGN = Alexander Masticus
MY BAD CUTE...... already offered
I take dwarven axe q9 10e
Ign gosh of Blade ( im connected tomorrow)
I’ll buy your q13 voltaic spears. 3x60=180e
Thank you
IGN: Grandor Shock
Shaz , i try to catch you for dwarven axe
Wyvern emerald edge bo
bo: Emerald Blade, Arowind Blade and Wyvern Blade.
IGN Lume Da Terra
Retract for wyvern + emerald so Lume can have them I got some already lovely skins 🥰
b.o q9 CC: spawn, commun, water, earth, air, fast cast, insp, death, blood, divine
Sephis axe (x1)
Fellblade (x1)
20e chaos axe insc
gwmacdaddy 35e on chaos axe Q9 insc is my price, no offer taken sorry.
Ill take chaos for 35
Ve_Zz you can contact me for Chaos Axe IGN : Reine Mathilde
Stygian Reaver Q9 x1