Sold for 20a to Ivory
Please close thread.
- San
Sold for 20a to Ivory
Please close thread.
- San
100e to start
Agent Chevy
500e here
ign qu xji
Finally! As promised ingame when you were first selling it, I'll offer 15a.
Bump! Added c/o and b/o.
****mod edit---watch you times!!! you are allowed to bump once every 24 hours--this is a warning, please read the Xunlai Market Rules posted at the top of this section to avoid any further actions against your account---mod edit***
B/o on this
Ivory Rinali
Foxy can have this.
Are you ****mod edit--keep it clean kids---mod edit*** kidding me.
*****MOD EDIT----either place a bid or do not post, keep comments to yourself or pm--this is a warning----MOD EDIT****