Q9 dual vamp Bramble Recurve Bow 60e

CLOSED San's WTS thread: q8 Fellblade, q8 Aureate Daggers, q8 longbows + a lot more!
San -
August 16, 2017 at 4:59 PM -
250e on Feathered Flatbow
Bump! ~ added a couple items, incl q8 Aureate Daggers.
Q13/16 tac -2wS +10 vs demons Ornate Buckler ~ 20e
150e on the q8 aureate
Ghost Kairi
Bump! ~ lowered b/o's of various items.
Bump! ~ added a q8 15^wE Fellblade.
10 arms dhuum
IGN-Im Gona Stab You -
Bump! ~ added q9 +5e Jitte.
Q9 +5e Celestial Longbow ~ b/oQ9 20/10 earth Celestial Staff ~ b/oRetract, found elsewhere
200e fellblade
12e on Q8/16 inscr strength Lotus Shield
5a Fellblade
3a daggers 3a bow
****mod edit---watch your bump times!! You must wait 24 hours between bumps!! This one was a few HOURS early!!!---this is a warning--mod edit****
6a fellblade
12e on Q8/16 inscr strength Lotus Shield
30e Q8/16 inscr tactics Oaken Aegis
15e Q8/16 inscr tactics Reinforced Buckler -
60e oaken q8 plz
12 a dhuum
Q9 20/10 illusion Bo Staff ~25e
13a on Dhuum