
[close ]Ancient Flatbow q9 Gold unid.r/b, b/o lowered
Plague focus 75e
#1 100e
150e plague shield #1
Ig : blind was my fury
Sexy #1 Plagueborn Shield - 175e
200e for the hexy Plagueborn shield.
225e on #1
1 Stack of ecto on #1.
275e #1
#1 300e
Hey, #1 325e
Hey! 350e.
Frml!! #1 375e
400e. A damn hexy shield.
BUMP and thank you for the bids
October 14, 2022 at 6:48 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Plagueborn Shield q9s -3^Hex+60^hex, q13s -5(20)+ 44^ench, q13t +9 pier+29HP, and more os stuff” to “WTS *r/b added *Plagueborn Shield q9s -3^Hex+60^hex, q13s -5(20)+ 44^ench, q13t +9 pier+29HP, and more os stuff”. -
R/b added for #1 and #4. Items will be sold to the highest bidder once the r/b is met.
r/b on #1
The r/b for the following items has been reached:
1# c/o: 450e by PyroLobster
4# c/o: 75e Cloud Strife
The auction for both items ends on Sunday 16th, 20:55 GMT+1 .
October 29, 2022 at 7:36 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS *r/b added *Plagueborn Shield q9s -3^Hex+60^hex, q13s -5(20)+ 44^ench, q13t +9 pier+29HP, and more os stuff” to “WTS q11 Dryad, Plague Shields, Plague Focus + more”. -
F3 - 80e
November 3, 2022 at 6:22 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS q11 Dryad, Plague Shields, Plague Focus + more” to “*New Items* 11/3: WTS q11 Dryad, Plague Shields, Plague Focus + more”. -
F3 150e
November 5, 2022 at 6:44 PM Changed the title of the thread from “*New Items* 11/3: WTS q11 Dryad, Plague Shields, Plague Focus + more” to “*New Items* 11/3: Plague Shields, Plague Focus + more”. -
* BUMP *
S2 250e
S4 175e
F3 - 175e
November 22, 2022 at 1:39 PM Changed the title of the thread from “*New Items* 11/3: Plague Shields, Plague Focus + more” to “*RB* added Plague Shields, Plague Focus + more”. -
Auction for F3 ends on 24.11.2022 at 13.40 GMT(+1): c/o 175e by Money Master
250e on F3 for my boi Percy
F3 - 300e
p.s. - tg chang
f4 30e
Thank you for the bids. Final bump before the auction for F3 ends!
January 28, 2023 at 10:38 PM Changed the title of the thread from “*RB* added Plague Shields, Plague Focus + more” to “*added* Q9 Desolation Maul, Plagueborn Shield q12t -3^hex +30, 20%HCR Fire/10 HSR Plagueborn Focus ES”. -
Older items removed; q9 Desolation Maul added. Happy bidding
February 1, 2023 at 3:51 AM Changed the title of the thread from “*added* Q9 Desolation Maul, Plagueborn Shield q12t -3^hex +30, 20%HCR Fire/10 HSR Plagueborn Focus ES” to “*added* Q9 Desolation Maul Plagueborn Shield q12t -3^hex +30, 20%HCR Fire/10 HSR Plagueborn Focus ES”. -
New q9 Desolation Maul added
Fire plague 75e