Gilded artifact 2A

WTS around 100 new OS Items Shields, Swords, Hammers, Wands, Staffs, Axe, Bows inc. some Q8s / NEW ITEMS 13.07.2024
20/9 healing cele wand 1a
15^50 colossal picks 1A ea
Crude Shield q10 +28hp +10 demon 20e
IG : X Sioups X
jitte 2a
cele curse +1 - offer 69e - PM ign: Aegis Forever
Oni 2a
Celestial plant shield 2a
Plagueborn Shield +30hp-2we 9str - 5a
Tall shield 10vsSlashing -2we 9tac - 1a
Sickle axe dual vamp, if is Tyrian - 12a
Death outcast staff 10a
IGN: Love For Donuts
Plagueborn Shield +30hp-2we 9str - 7a
Plagueborn Shield +30hp-2we 9str - 10a
Celestial+30 +10 demons 2a
Kappa 45we +10 fire 3a
Ign: illusion sombre
dual ench exalted 4a
q5 demon bladed 5a
every dv q9 axe 1a/ea
Plagueborn Shield +30hp-2we 9str - 12a
q8 longsword 10e
2e req 13 str fire/stance diamond
Oni Blade +5e - 10a
Fellblade +5e - 5a
Katana +5e - 5a
Golden Phoenix Blade +5e - 5a
Broadsword +5e - 5a
Jitte +5e - 5a
5a channeling shadow
3a gilded (RIPPPPPPPP
4a gilded
Plagueborn Shield +30hp-2we 9str - 15a
Celestial shield +1 curse 2a
Celestial +45wE +10 plants 3a
Celestial insp 2a -
jittle 6a
Jitte - 10a
jitte 12a
Oni 12
Fellblade katana gpb broad 6a each
outcast shield q9 -2st +30 - 5a
crude q8 - 5a
cele shield q9 -2st 10vpierce - 25e
tall shield q8 - 5a
ornate buckler q8 - 1a
longsword q8 - 3a
frost artifact q8 - 10e
Oni 15a
Jitte 15a
Fellblade 7a
GPB 10a
Broadsword 7a
Katana 7a
Celestial +45wE +10 plants 10a
Shadow Shield Q11 30 hp 10 undead --> 5a
5a channeling shadow
3a gilded (RIPPPPPPPP
5a gilded
6a gilded
jitte 18a
Crude shield demon +43en 10a
Ign:Franc Macon
Jitte 20a
BUMP - Added new Items !
July 13, 2024 at 2:24 PM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS around 100 new OS Items Shields, Swords, Hammers, Wands, Staffs, Axe, Bows inc. some Q8s” to “WTS around 100 new OS Items Shields, Swords, Hammers, Wands, Staffs, Axe, Bows inc. some Q8s / NEW ITEMS 13.07.2024”. -
Fellblade katana broad retract found in game
Oni 20a
platinum wand q9 death 10/10 - 10e
jug q10 es 10/10 - 1a
echo divine 2a
echo dom 2a
amber air 2a -
Jug q10ES 10/10 - 2a
Outcast shield +30hp -2wS q9 tac - 7a