q8 hammers & q7 istani | CLOSE
Cute -
January 21, 2023 at 2:15 AM -
PyroLobster your opinion on 7/15 gold istani?
Paid 12a for mine a few years ago. Not as rare as the Q8, there is a handful floating around. Couldn't say what interest there would be today for one.
Thx PyroLobster
And idea about those hammers. I see few arms, or am i wrong?
Have bought a few of those as well in skins I like, normally for the token 20-30e type offers. Never seems to be any buyers for them. Personally I'd throw 1-2a at one if I really wanted it.
January 23, 2023 at 9:25 AM Changed the title of the thread from “q8 hammers & q7 istani” to “q8 hammers & q7 istani | CLOSE”. -
Kk thx! (:
January 24, 2023 at 1:23 AM Closed the thread.