iridescent aegis 45-2we ~ 25a

1313e crysta
SWS 25a
Diamond Aegis 10a
SWS 30a
SWS 35a
25a deadly cesta
SWS 40a
Cockatrice Staff fire - 1a
Superior Vigor 500e
sup vigor 5a
Superior Vigor 7a
sup vigor 8a
Superior Vigor 10a
Sup vigor 12a (:
80a gladius
85a gladius
90a gladius
retract arms went elsewhere
sup vigor 13a
Superior Vigor 15a
Sup vigor 20a
fire cockatrice staff-2a
February 27, 2023 at 6:02 AM Changed the title of the thread from “UPDATE! NEW ITEMS! Prenerf sale! // q8 Bat sword set // prenerf crysta // PRENERF SWS! // q8s // PRENERF SUP VIGO // Mixed dye ETC!” to “UPDATE! NEW ITEMS! Prenerf sale! // q8 Flamberge sword set // PRENERF SWS! // q8s // PRENERF SUP VIGO // Mixed dye ETC!”. -
Thanks for bids! Updated OP -
SWS 45a
Found one in game, as I told you 😅
Stilletto 40a
sup vigor 22a
Sup 25
Sup sup 27🍪
sup 35a
I will try to update bids tonight
Sup 40 🍪
sup 45
retract on the deadly cesta
Illusion Cockatrice 5a
IGN Aaron D Ankle Bitur/Arashi No Kage
March 27, 2023 at 4:34 PM Changed the title of the thread from “UPDATE! NEW ITEMS! Prenerf sale! // q8 Flamberge sword set // PRENERF SWS! // q8s // PRENERF SUP VIGO // Mixed dye ETC!” to “Close”. -
Marty Silverblade
March 29, 2023 at 12:43 AM Closed the thread. -