30e on Oni Blade Q9 if it is still available.
Peter WTS Thread - OS & Insc & Q8
bumpy bumpy
Hello everyone! WTS these items, some are new, some are old, no b/o-s, auction ends 48 hours from this post. Will merch the leftovers, accept bids even as low as 1e
There are a few max q8-s, some non-max(1 off q8-s), and many os skins.
May 31, 2023 at 7:56 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Peter WTS Thread - OS and Insc” to “Peter WTS Thread - OS & Insc & Q8”. -
#15 5e
#9 - 10e
#15 - 10e
#17 - 10e
8 - 40e
30 - 80e
#15 12e
#15 15e
bumpy, 24h to go!
#15 18e
Ancient shield tact + com 2a for both of them
#15 20e
#12 50e
#1 - 1e
#2 - 1e
#3 - 1e
#11 - 1e
#14 - 1e
#15 - 21e
#16 - 1e
#18 - 1e
#20 - 1e
#27 - 1e
#28 - 1e
#9 - 10e
#15 - 10e
#17 - 10e
#9 ok, #17 ok, will pm u in game
8 - 40e
30 - 80e
accept both, pls tell me your ign
Ancient shield tact + com 2a for both of them
deal, gimme ign pls
#12 50e
deal, will pm u in game
#1 - 1e
#2 - 1e
#3 - 1e
#11 - 1e
#14 - 1e
#15 - 21e
#16 - 1e
#18 - 1e
#20 - 1e
#27 - 1e
#28 - 1e
accept #11-14-15-16-18-20-27-28 for 1e ea but farmed so much for the q8s, cant accept 1e on those
wonder why noone wants these skins
22e #15
IGN - Nirolo Bg
1a for both 1+2
1a for both 1+2
deal, pls gimme your ign
Hey all, added a new q8 protective icon, freshly farmed from Slave Spirits...
and some leftovers from the previous bundle.
added a new q8 max copperleaf shield (motivation req), no b/o-s, will accept highest bid after a few days
Copperleaf 1a
5a shield
deal, i'll pm u in game!
Hello there! WTS all these Q8 insc and other os items. Most of them dropped in the Slave Spirit farm (all the q8-s) and there are some oldschool stuff too from just casual gameplay here and there. Im gonna let the auction go for several days.
1. 5a
11. 10a
9+10. 1a each
18.5a in os-items-20240104.png
#14 20 e
1. 10a
#39 25e