some items in my possession
jimb2022 -
June 10, 2023 at 2:59 PM -
The q9 15^x's are all x-xx e
DV 30-50e
Dead sword few e maybe since non-max postnerf
q7 Mammoth Axe big money xx a+
Runic Axe q9 15^50 up to 2a
Caster weapons x-xx e -
The q7 mammoth is a pricy one. Q7 6-27 Axes are pretty rare and this is a good skin aswell. Put it for sale in a public auction and take your time before selling it.
agreed on mommoth
Yup sweet mammoth
Marty Silverblade
August 2, 2023 at 12:43 AM Closed the thread.