7-16 is max for q8 right?
OS q8 plagueborn daggers, q9 brute sword 15^ench (close)
7-16 is max for postnerf q8 daggers, yes.
Unfortunately there is'nt much demand for these. To my knowledge im the only one that does collect them but i'm only interested in 15^50 mods. Value is whatever you can get for them.
This should go for a few arms, don't merch them
Paulie Gualtieri
July 22, 2023 at 10:51 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS q8 plagueborn daggers” to “OS q8 plagueborn daggers, q9 brute sword 15^ench”. -
Bump. q9 brute sword 15^ench
Merch, close and create a new pc thread for every item or mod will be not happy cheers
OK, didn't know, sorry.
Paulie Gualtieri
July 23, 2023 at 7:18 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS q8 plagueborn daggers, q9 brute sword 15^ench” to “OS q8 plagueborn daggers, q9 brute sword 15^ench (close)”. -
Marty Silverblade
July 24, 2023 at 12:45 AM Closed the thread.