Price check on multiple OS items

  • I have a number of OS items and wondering the price of them. One of them I had customized long ago before I knew what anything was but I included it just cause I'm curious the price.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks!

    1. (I'm wondering if it's worth anything since it's q7 but +10 vs demons?)

    2. (I doubt since it only has 1 more and q11)

    3. (q12 but I think this is a good shield for running?)

    4. (q11, same idea as above)

    5. (q9 good for running)

    6. (sadly a pair I customized many many years ago)

    7. (q10 and the mod isn't as good)

    Any help with pricing is appreciated, thanks!

  • 1. nonmax merch

    2. singlemod merch

    3. ~10e

    4. 5e

    5. few hundred ecto

    6. keep it -custo is worthless to others (unless you are gaile gray maybe)

    7. merch/5e

    honestly the only one I wouldn't merch/hero would be 5. put it for auction and wait for bids

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • Thank you both for the responses!

    It's unfortunate that most of them aren't worth anything :(

    As for the daggers that are customized I know they're not worth anything anymore but I was wondering how much they would be worth if the customized was not there? (Just for curiosity)