Hey, curious if this is worth anything. Q9 Furious War Hammer, looks like it rolled max on the Furious (10%) and the damage +15% in stance. Any help is appreciated
PC Q9 Furious War Hammer Dmg +15% (in stance) Furious 10%
Thanks! Is there a master list of what to look for in golds? I don't want to vendor items worthwhile, but I also don't want to also post merch
Core skin q9 weapons are mostly merch
Core skin are very common even q9 perfect.
The only thing that has a value on them would be q9 dual vamp
Tagging bsoltan here but other mods too : it would be great to do a small list of merch stuff / valuable stuff and pin it on top. Question on what is still valuable is so often asked.
is it the sheep / rams skin? if it is, hopefully you did not merch it based on the advice others have provided here, cause that would absolutely not be merch (sheep skin war hammer is prenerf)
Marty Silverblade
December 31, 2023 at 11:18 PM Closed the thread.