Hey folks.
Set r/b and b/o is from previous offers. None of the items are botted, if that matters to anyone.
I reserve the right to not sell if Im not happy with the offers, etc.
Hey folks.
Set r/b and b/o is from previous offers. None of the items are botted, if that matters to anyone.
I reserve the right to not sell if Im not happy with the offers, etc.
2. 5a
r/b and b/o for most of the stuff, removed the rest
10a outcast earth
2a q13 out cast -2ench +30
Bo spawn outcast
+ 2 shields
Item No 12. 1a
1. 20a
reduced r/b on the ankh, sold some items ig, some decided to keep for myself(considering how the bids were going) some were thrash and just removed them, might add more items next week might not
rb ankh
r/b outcast q9 earth