q8 +5e tyrian weapons are an insanely rare item. My guess is the q8 +5e tyrian cleaver does not exist. And if it did it would easily be a priceless item.
Does it exist?
Yeb 3 tyrian q8 +5e axes known excist. 2 chaos axes and 1 hand axe, the hand axe been custod since -06
not a "does it exist" question but does anyone know what happened to Akhilleus ? is he still around ?
Well akh quit playing 2006, since that heve logged in few times and used post guru once in few years.
Hello everyone,
Does anyone of you ever see a q8 NAKED gold crysta?
I sadly dont have this luck, so i wonder if any dropped someday :3
Thxx -
Hello All,
I came across an interesting statement on the Wiki earlier this week which had me scratching my head.
"It is possible for shields found as drops to grant "+5 energy". Fytch the collector is the only non-random source of these shields, selling the Runic Shield"
I wasn't previously aware of this collectors shield and I'm pretty sure I've never seen a shield drop with +5 energy. Does anyone have any of these "Energy shields" other than the collector one mentioned above?
Well, i know that sheild, but i'm afraid it's the only of its kind.
+5e sheild never dropped, and only the collector you mention gives one.However, this shield is rly useless, compared to other mods you have on shields, that's why the shield isn't well known
Yes q8 gold naked crystas excist, been years since seen last tho, but ive seen several
- Official Post
Yes q8 gold naked crystas excist, been years since seen last tho, but ive seen severalWhat would we do without you Pleikki haha.
We should rename the topic "does pleikki has seen it"
i remember in 2007 after i bought my q8 clean tyrian serpent guy was selling crysta clean q8 it was 400e at the time, but figured id never find q8 clean dwarven axe so didnt buy it, wouldve been all i had at the time hmmm..
I was farming today in Ascalon HM for OS Wooden and Stone chakrams, as that is only place as far as iknow where they drop OS Gold (Many probably dont even know they drop xD)
anyhow, i got this intresting drop and i though ive never seen this skin OS, but since stone and wooden chakrams also drop gold here and nowhere else figured this must too?
But i wanna be sure and ask if anyone ever seen this skin OS Max gold? It supposed drop shing jea HM and ascalon HM according wiki?
I'm 85% sure I had that drop as gold while farming gargoyles.. Don't have any proof (as in screenshot), but ye if I recall correctly I've had atleast one.
Hmm cool. Thanks for info mate
Better keep farmikg those gargoyles and hope some pops. If they drop they definetly are rare since wooden and stone chakrams alone are uber rare. After prob 200 runs ive had 1 wooden and 0 stones sofar so if the chalices well.. 100x rarer gotta do few more runs i guess
I'll help you out in your quest whenever I'm on, was a while since I farmed them anyway
maybe I get lucky and get a nice stone chakram
Curious--has anyone ever seen a q9-13 20/20 matching attribute wand for the following skins?
Wayward Wand
Zodiac Scepter
Celestial Scepter
Platinum WandI've seen 20/20 Insp / Illusion ones, but never full 20 20 matching attributes.
Anyone know if they exist?
I have never seen a matching 20/20 for those skins. I would be very skeptical if anyone ever claimed to have one unless they could show me in game.
Sidenote - I'm glad Expugnare still exists
Sorry to back-up to post # 92 from Pleikki regarding the Aureate Chalice drop in Prophecies.
I wish I saw your post about this prophecies aureate chalice a few weeks ago. After we talked in game about the chakrams, I farmed gargoyles and about 25 runs in, to my surprise I got a gold q12 Aureate but it was a single mod and salvaged it, I thought to myself afterwards "should I have done that??" Lol. So to answer your question, gold ones do drop there and kick myself now even if it was a crappy one.
Just thought I would share
Agent Chevy
Hi all.
apparently 10/10 sundering for swords are still possible to get, wanted to know which quest rewards a sword with it?
thx for your help
The quest is given by Captain Arne in Ascalon. The quest is Fires in the East. Char has to be tyrian born and once per character. he gives longsword with 10/10 sundering
Do inscr. Plagueborn Shields exist? From Zaishen Chest maybe? Celestial Weapons do drop from Zchest, thats why I'm curious.
- Official Post
No they don't exist.
Celestial staff and wand do not drop from zchest and do not come insc. Celestial shield, hammer, sword, axe, bow all come insc and presumably drop from zchest.
I've seen that Darkwing Defenders can come as blue/purple from EotN release, so I was wondering is there also blue/purple Enameled shields out there?
Anyone know if any Q8 Colossal Scims are still around? My guess is no, I remember the one Coast had but idk remember if there were any others.
- Official Post
He has Coasts old (I think, 99.999999% sure).
Pretty sure there was another around a while back.
Yep, there are two scimis, and they can still drop!
I've seen that Darkwing Defenders can come as blue/purple from EotN release, so I was wondering is there also blue/purple Enameled shields out there?never saw one. but i see no reason that they don't exist
Anyone know if any Q8 Colossal Scims are still around? My guess is no, I remember the one Coast had but idk remember if there were any others.I own Coast's old Q8 Colossal. It's in pretty strong hands unless someone comes along and offers me the world for it. Some day it might find itself customized to my monk. But maybe not. Who knows.
There is another with a different gold value. No idea who owns that or where it is now.
Does anyone here ever seen or heard of a HP+5 for sword plz?
Thx in advance -
Yeah ive had few +5hps i belive its from quest on pre. Belive there IS bow also
@Edit belive ive remembered type/dmg wrong or mixed for ench
Yeah ive had few +5hps i belive its from quest on pre. Belive there IS bow alsohummmmm, idk i've done all quests (in pre) , sadly i didn't found one...
weapon craftor gives it for axe however. -
Hmm IT could Be that i remember wrong And mix For Axe but definetly If there somewhere IS some its still avaible somewhere xD
If I remember correctly, the 2 quest items in pre that you can salvage a Fortitude Mods from is a Bow and an Axe and I think the axe is +15 and the bow is +10, which both match the minimum for fortitude mods shown in wiki
Axe 15-30
Dagger 20-30
Bow 10-30
Sword 20-30
Shield 10-30
Hammer 10-30I do a good amount of low level weapon farming so if I come across anything that differs from the above, I will let you know.
Im quite sure 15hp IS lowest on all that drops on all blue items no matter what kind. Lower then that from quest reward or Else but id need check IT out when i got time
Yeah i checked my gear i got that 10hp Bow mod, which i belive is quest reward atleast.
For others i got some 10-19hp that ive save for lulz belive theyre from blue drops
Cant rly say for sure what hp drops and if theres difference between types, but belive 5hp dont excist unless there is some quest (which i dont know if there is) that gives some
there are 5% enchant mods tho from quest rewards (so mixing xD)
(searched presear quests from wiki there is 10bow, 10hammer 15 axe quests in pre, also as noted before 5hp axe from weaponsmith)
Yeah i Made same conclusion until now, tomorow i will try to do all quests in the old ascalon area + check all collectors.
Would be rly glad to find a 5hp mod for sword, but i have few hopes :p -
I was looking at Stone summit foes, and noticed that they spawn in cantha in two quests, There goes the neighborhood and Raid on KC. Is it possible for those foes to drop summit weps in cantha? could have already been discussed but, no idea =D.
Yeah no clue for you gentelman sry
Hello ppl, I have a new question:
I've been told some low req shields don't drop in gold, or blue for some skins. Wanted to know if it was true or not.
Example : summit warlord q8 ONLY drop in gold?
Summit warlord q7 ONLY drop in blue?
If you have any tips, I'll take them
Well. If someting drops blue it can drop blue all reqs and mods, same for gold if it drops gold it can drop gold all reqs. it only can be from differend source or lvl, like q7 15ar gold shield needs lvl15-19 foe and gold q8 16 can drop lvl 17-21 etc, so u only need find right lvl source
(new post cus cant edit my old somereason, mod can fix that for me please--**mod edit--done, working on the editing--mod edit**) But yeah the lvl ranges might not be right i dont know exact ranges but its someting like that. )