Pleikki I am 99.99% sure HoD axes were removed from guild wars about 10 years ago. I don't think they exist anymore. Are you sure you saw one? They were removed from guild wars.
Does it exist?
i'm asking, because i was told that NO item was ever removed from gw, only accounts (including certain items) got banned. i'm rly curious about that axe tho^^
Jack what u heard is true. And surge yes im sure. And as said nothing ever was removed from accounts anet doesnt have way or recources track down items, there are tons duped items and minis still excisting.. but ye im sure id have screen somewhere if id bother look but ye.
Until someone shows me an HOD axe in game today, I 100% believe that no one owns one.
Anet also removed the dual enchant mod swords. These items don't exist. Anet can remove items. Because no one has these anymore. Dual enchant swords and HoD axes are gone.
Until someone proves me wrong and shows me one in game, I stand by my statement 100%.
there is a screen on the last page of the "truth about prenerf" from max, but idk if it's a recent one.
Well i got another question: do q7/15 enameled exist?
never saw one, even for sell or in kama chat log -
- Official Post
there is a screen on the last page of the "truth about prenerf" from max, but idk if it's a recent one.Well i got another question: do q7/15 enameled exist?
never saw one, even for sell or in kama chat log99,9% sure Aris had one.
- Official Post
7/15 gold enamelled do exist, but I am aware of only 2. And I have no idea who has them now. Coast had one, but I don't know if he still does....
There was one for sale a couple of years ago for 3000e I think... but that was from before the botter/gold seller-induced hyper inflation, so god only knows what one would be worth now....
I'm aware of at least one being around, so it definitely exists and still is possible to drop in several spots, though the rarity is ridiculous, given the levels of the monsters that drop it.
Enameled is like a twin shield to Darkwing, and as far as I know, Enameled always dropped in gold-only rarity, whereas Darkwing used to drop in blue (and possibly purple) rarity, untill the rarity was changed (probably as some minor amendment to Loot Scaling Update in 2007).
From what I've seen, another q7 Darkwing is more likely to drop, than q7 Enameled. Even Though, Enameled comes only in tactic attribute and Darkwing in both tactic and strength, the drop ratio is still better for Darkwing (even if only tactic ones were to be counted).
Jack what u heard is true. And surge yes im sure. And as said nothing ever was removed from accounts anet doesnt have way or recources track down items, there are tons duped items and minis still excisting.. but ye im sure id have screen somewhere if id bother look but ye.That's not true btw, someone I know managed to dupe ded panda and he got banned for that but when he got his account back (2 years ago or so), pandas were removed. During the dupe time, I think anet banned accounts and removed some of the duped items (probably not everything, that's why people think anet did not remove anything but they did) since it was easy to remove because of the ID of the item. Nowadays they still can remove stuff, thing is no one is in charge of doing that.
That's not true btw, someone I know managed to dupe ded panda and he got banned for that but when he got his account back (2 years ago or so), pandas were removed. During the dupe time, I think anet banned accounts and removed some of the duped items (probably not everything, that's why people think anet did not remove anything but they did) since it was easy to remove because of the ID of the item. Nowadays they still can remove stuff, thing is no one is in charge of doing that.
Thanks for the info Kriss.
As I said before, these items (the HOD axe and the dual enchant swords) were removed from guild wars. They don't exist anymore because anet deleted them all. So this would back up my claim. Until someone proves me wrong and shows me either of these 2 items in game, I will claim all day long that they were deleted and do not exist.
That's not true btw, someone I know managed to dupe ded panda and he got banned for that but when he got his account back (2 years ago or so), pandas were removed. During the dupe time, I think anet banned accounts and removed some of the duped items (probably not everything, that's why people think anet did not remove anything but they did) since it was easy to remove because of the ID of the item. Nowadays they still can remove stuff, thing is no one is in charge of doing that.
hmmmm, maybe Anet just took the panda, and stock them on a precise account, to keep illegal things supposed to get "removed" from the game.
i heard that they can't remove items, because of the way they codded the game. well, it's only suppositions -
If anet can't remove items, explain the glitched WoC greens that were made wrong that were removed from guild wars once they realized.
Anet currently doesn't have the tools to remove any more glitched, duped, or pre-nerf items. Those tools died when the game went 99% automated. And was confirmed by Izual. Anybody with equipment that wasn't intended will keep it.
Dude you don't get it. It's already gone. No one has it. There is nothing to keep. It doesn't matter if they have the tools. There are no copies of items that were nerfed 11 years ago in game now except unconditional weapons. There are no HoD +55 axes. There are no dual enchant swords. There are no dual enchant crap photoshop job BDS. Even if anet doesn't have the tools as you say (which I have no reason to believe you cause I don't know you and everyone knows me) the items are gone. Presto. Gone. Poof. Don't exist.
Sorry I'm being a little more gruff than I normally do. But This isn't debatable. They don't exist. Until someone proves me wrong by showing me any of the items I describe in game in a trade (none of this screenshot), I'm right. No one is going to prove me wrong. Because they don't exist.
Anet currently doesn't have the tools to remove any more glitched, duped, or pre-nerf items. Those tools died when the game went 99% automated. And was confirmed by Izual. Anybody with equipment that wasn't intended will keep it.Actually the tool to remove stuff still exist, but as you say, since the system became automated, they just don't use it anymore because no one is in charge. The support team is just a bunch of unqualified people, everybody knows how Anet (and any other video game company) hire support people. Any one can do that.
So yes, they can't remove stuff anymore for years because there is no real support staff (no more GM for example). But of course, they could do that in the paste lol.
Dude you don't get it. It's already gone. No one has it. There is nothing to keep. It doesn't matter if they have the tools. There are no copies of items that were nerfed 11 years ago in game now except unconditional weapons. There are no HoD +55 axes. There are no dual enchant swords. There are no dual enchant crap photoshop job BDS. Even if anet doesn't have the tools as you say (which I have no reason to believe you cause I don't know you and everyone knows me) the items are gone. Presto. Gone. Poof. Don't exist.Sorry I'm being a little more gruff than I normally do. But This isn't debatable. They don't exist. Until someone proves me wrong by showing me any of the items I describe in game in a trade (none of this screenshot), I'm right. No one is going to prove me wrong. Because they don't exist.
Save your hostility for off the forum. Some of these items still exist please let's get the thread back on topic. If you're so "unsure" and in disbelief ask izzy or gaile yourself. I don't care what you think exists I know from what I have seen and had. -
Sellous. You still don't get it. This isn't debatable. These items that you seem to claim exist do not. This is not up for debate. This is fact. And your claim is from unicornland. Until someone shows me an HoD Axe or a dual enchant sword, or this dual enchant BDS that you wanted a PC on, these items don't exist. No one will ever show me any of these items in game, because they do not exist. A screenshot is not proof and can be easily photoshopped, which is what you did with the dual enchant BDS.
- Official Post
Showing a respected and trusted community member who can vouch for it is sufficient.
Sellous. You still don't get it. This isn't debatable. These items that you seem to claim exist do not. This is not up for debate. This is fact. And your claim is from unicornland. Until someone shows me an HoD Axe or a dual enchant sword, or this dual enchant BDS that you wanted a PC on, these items don't exist. No one will ever show me any of these items in game, because they do not exist. A screenshot is not proof and can be easily photoshopped, which is what you did with the dual enchant BDS.
I already showed Tommy who is undoubtly one of the most trusted and well known players in the game. Anyways, take it back to pm if you want. Stop derailing the thread. -
- Official Post
I'm afraid Tommy won't do. It would have to be one of about 15 current most reputable traders or collectors. Someone the vast majority of the current community knows and trusts. I count myself as one of those, and I haven't met Tommy (unless it's under another name).
I won't give out names here because I'm bound to forget someone, but they know who they are.
Sellous is right though, this one has dragged on enough. It's up to Sellous now to prove it one way or another.
Seen this staff from Sellous before.
I could say he's trustwhorty 100% he modded a few gold-trim sales for me since I've been in the ''pvp'' scene for quite a long time, also used to play with him back in 2009.
Seen this staff from Sellous before.I could say he's trustwhorty 100% he modded a few gold-trim sales for me since I've been in the ''pvp'' scene for quite a long time, also used to play with him back in 2009.
I can see how people wouldn't think it's real, but this^
Yeah I have no clue who Tommy is. Show it to me in game in a trade or it doesn't exist. Period. End of discussion. I won't be commenting again unless the item is shown to me in which case I will amend my post and admit I was wrong.
but personally I highly doubt that will ever happen. So the staff doesn't exist. Goodbye and good riddance.
Hello, it's me again^^
Question of the day: does anyone has ever seen an OS crysta +15^-5e?
If so, what would be the price of a such item (if I shouldn't ask for it here, tell me and I'll open a thread in PC section )
Thx -
Hello, it's me again^^
Question of the day: does anyone has ever seen an OS crysta +15^-5e?
If so, what would be the price of a such item (if I shouldn't ask for it here, tell me and I'll open a thread in PC section )
ThxIve seen one or 2 sold in the past. Havent seen any pop up for a while though. Imo it would be on the lower spectrum of Crystallines since that mod is often viewed as scheisse. I would reckon around 30-100a depending on req and if perfect or not (Pretty sure ive seen a 14 -5 aswell).
Ive seen one or 2 sold in the past. Havent seen any pop up for a while though. Imo it would be on the lower spectrum of Crystallines since that mod is often viewed as scheisse. I would reckon around 30-100a depending on req and if perfect or not (Pretty sure ive seen a 14 -5 aswell).
Ty for answering, the hunt mod is on
It's indeed bad mod, except for monk in pvp (shield set), which is what I'm most of the time -
- Official Post
I think +15 -5e was removed as a possible drop from crystallines in 2006. I'm not 100% though, so Gregor is the man to ask. He has a purple one with those mods (I think) but it's one of a kind and excruciatingly rare precisely because that mod was removed....
But wait for others to confirm, as my memory isn't what it used to be
Might it have been +15-10armour Kairi?
Golds never had removed mods. Purples cant drop -5/-10/-1 mods anymore, since 2005 orso. 15/5 crys def excist ive owned atleast 2 ovee the years
I think +15 -5e was removed as a possible drop from crystallines in 2006. I'm not 100% though, so Gregor is the man to ask. He has a purple one with those mods (I think) but it's one of a kind and excruciatingly rare precisely because that mod was removed....But wait for others to confirm, as my memory isn't what it used to be
Might it have been +15-10armour Kairi?
Nah Ive 100% seen some. The 14 -5 is the purple one I believe that Gregor has, which is truely an amazing piece.
Only mods I dont think I have ever seen is 15 -1, although Im sure there have been some. And uncond ofc
Nah Ive 100% seen some. The 14 -5 is the purple one I believe that Gregor has, which is truely an amazing piece.
Only mods I dont think I have ever seen is 15 -1, although Im sure there have been some. And uncond ofc
The one gregor has was mine, it was a q12 11^-5energy not 14I've sold it few years ago.
Does dual vamp/zealous ever drop on daggers?
Don't think I have ever seen any, do they exist?
Dualvamp can only exist for swords, hammers, axes, bows. -
Good question.
All I can say is that I've never, ever, heard of any -
that's kinda what I thought. Interesting that all martial weapons in factions share the same possible inherents as proph, except the only 'new' martial weapon (at the time, daggers) which has the same possible inherents as what became inscriptions.
Any q8 tyrian cleavers floating about? I really like the skin but no idea if it's a thing or not
or if it used to be one
Tyrian cleaver is the most common q8 axe in gw, there should be plenty
Ohh, guess I just haven't seen any lol. I really want a +5 one to go with my enameled, they dye up so pretty together
- Official Post
r8 +5e Tyrian axes are a different story. Even though this is the most common r8 axe in the game, a r8 +5e probably doesn't exist. I think there are 3 r8 +5e Tyrian axes around. 2 Chaos axes and 1 other, which I don't know. All of this I am not 100% sure about. Wait till Pleikki confirms it :p
There is probably one more q8 chaos axe +5e, it has been sold years ago for 1750e by Kenryo Finior. I don't know if we are counting that one in list but it's confirmed
- Official Post
I only know 1 myself. Pleikki told me there was one more. Think that could be the one you named.