Hey do you know if a locked chest from Eye of the north or Nightfall can drop clean rare weapons?
Clean rare means weapons supposed to be inscriptable drop no inscription at all.
Hey do you know if a locked chest from Eye of the north or Nightfall can drop clean rare weapons?
Clean rare means weapons supposed to be inscriptable drop no inscription at all.
can but only staves anymore afaik. I think they fixed all the other weaps dropping in no insc.
I've gotten nude dolyak prods even outside boreal station.
can but only staves anymore afaik. I think they fixed all the other weaps dropping in no in insc.
Ppl irregularly show me clean nf/eotn weps that theyve claimed drop recently, i do think they still drop just super rarely.
Personally never got other than staff tho, i think staffs drop like thousand times more xD