Sweet treats for the Guild Wars team - GoFundMe!

    • Official Post

    Hello everybody... remember the cupcakes from 6 years ago?
    Well, I'm doing it again, but with chocolates. I was going to post it here today, but we made our goal in less than 16 hours, which is amazing - but if you want to participate, you still can - the more sweets the merrier!

    This time around I have opted to not go for cupcakes - most of the ArenaNet staff are working from home these days and cupcakes don't keep that long, so people might miss out.
    So, that why with some searching, I opted to go for chocolates instead - the good stuff!

    For full information: here is the GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/guild-wars-s…or-appreciation

    - Kev

    Hi there! I'm the Guild Wars Legacy admin, feel free to contact me if you've got issues.

    :ass: Inquisitor Karinda :der: Sunspear Elke :mes:Librarian Amber


    • Official Post

    Is it especially for Guild Wars 1 Developer or also for Guild wars 2 ones?

    Is it especially for Guild Wars 1 Developer or also for Guild wars 2 ones?

    Since theres only one Guild Wars 1 dev Im sure you can guess the answer

    It's for the entire team - but most work from home these days. This was discussed with Stephen, who made it clear that he would feel bad if people were left out (so I'm following his wishes).

    There are also more people than you think that still work for/on Guild Wars 1. For example, Joe Kimmes created the new elite skills and weapons (but he is now, if I'm not mistaken, part of the Guild Wars 2 festival team). Bill worked on the storage updates, rarity borders and resizeable inventory window.
    Next to that, there is also a team of people that tests all of the changes to GW1 - how small they might be, so QA is also involved. The operations team also keeps an eye on the GW1 servers and performs maintenance.
    There are also people in the office making sure that everyone can do their job: people at the reception, cleaning staff, etc - why would we exclude them?

    So there's more than a single person working on GW1. Not all of those things are visible, though.

    However, for Joe, Stephen and Bill, a seperate box of chocolates will be ordered with their preferences of chocolates. The rest will be used for a variety of chocolates for the entire team, no matter what part of the team they are.

    By giving chocolates to the entire team - not just the GW1 team - we also make ourselves, as a community, a lot more visible and this might leave an impression. It certainly helps building good-will :)

    • New
    • Official Post

    i see you online kev am sure you are already creating the gofund me :p i would like to donate sir

    I would like to do something, but still needs some more planning - nothing concrete right now.

    Hi there! I'm the Guild Wars Legacy admin, feel free to contact me if you've got issues.

    :ass: Inquisitor Karinda :der: Sunspear Elke :mes:Librarian Amber
