Regarding EL reindeer tonic

  • From a retired player point of view, in 2018-2019, the market ladder was around:

    • ~2500a: unded panda or unded IG or very nice henchman tonic
    • ~1750a: ded panda or ded IG or unded MKG or regular henchman tonic
    • ~1300a: reindeer tonic or ded MKG or ugly henchman tonic

    I understand these prices are not accurate in today's market, but it's more about the ratio between items.

    So, to me it seems crazy to consider a reindeer for an unded panda, it would've been almost two for one at the time.

    But I guess it can always be shuffled around based on supply/demand.

    Back then, there were 3 reindeers for sell for months in kamadan and no one wanted them 8o

  • Important point though : rarer doesn’t necessarily mean more expressive.
    Reindeer used to be less expensive than panda.

    Here are few reasons:

    - offer and demand (ppl used to préf buy panda over reindeer)

    - panda is a pet, can be « used » almost everywhere . Reindeer is usable in few areas (only outposts if i’m correct. )

    Nowadays, I guess only bids will tell how much both of those are valued..

    I would personaly say panda (even a des one) worth more than reindeer. Only my opinion.


    IG: jacke l eventreur

  • In 2021, I obtained a reindeer at Kamadan 1500Arms, and at that time, the Undded Panda was approximately 1750-2500A
    In recent years, it seems that we have rarely seen the shadow of reindeer
    If given the choice, I might think reindeer are rarer

  • A total of 28 Mini Kanaxais were introduced into the game.
    A total of 40 Everlasting Henchman Tonics were introduced into the game.
    A total of 43 Everlasting Reindeer Tonics were introduced into the game.
    A total of 66 Miniature Mad King's Guards were introduced into the game.
    A total of 146 Miniature Pandas were introduced into the game.
    A total of 146 Miniature Island Guardians were introduced into the game.

    Edited once, last by ivann (August 19, 2024 at 9:18 AM).

  • A total of 28 Mini Kanaxais were introduced into the game.
    A total of 43 Everlasting Reindeer Tonics were introduced into the game.
    A total of 66 Miniature Mad King's Guards were introduced into the game.
    A total of 146 Miniature Pandas were introduced into the game.
    A total of 146 Miniature Island Guardians were introduced into the game.

    Now take those numbers, add the dupe factor and it all becomes a mystery.

    Anyway, as has been said, the key point that the OP seems to not understand is that rarer doesn't always mean more expensive. It's all about supply and demand, and tonic is usually on the lower-interest side of things; otherwise, henchman tonics would be selling for way more than Kanaxai's.

  • A total of 28 Mini Kanaxais were introduced into the game.
    A total of 43 Everlasting Reindeer Tonics were introduced into the game.
    A total of 66 Miniature Mad King's Guards were introduced into the game.
    A total of 146 Miniature Pandas were introduced into the game.
    A total of 146 Miniature Island Guardians were introduced into the game.

    Now take those numbers, add the dupe factor and it all becomes a mystery.

    Anyway, as has been said, the key point that the OP seems to not understand is that rarer doesn't always mean more expensive. It's all about supply and demand, and tonic is usually on the lower-interest side of things; otherwise, henchman tonics would be selling for way more than Kanaxai's.

    I agree with you rarer doesn't mean more expensive.

    Charr is asking which is more rare and not which is more expensive.

    Miniatures are always more wanted than tonics and the market of the minis is bigger than the market of tonics.

    I want just to add Tonics were not part of the dupe exploit, since all duped items were coming customized and people were able to dedicate the minis to HOM and this is how customization was removed.

    But still it's impossible to determinate the correct number of the existing tonics or minis now, because many might have been banned or deleted.

    P.S. There are still customized miniatures around, which means not all duped minis were banned. :P

    Edited 5 times, last by ivann (August 19, 2024 at 10:08 AM).

  • Customized has nothing to do with duping. In the early times of HoM, every mini added become customized and not dedicated.

    On topic, reindeer is rarer but imo not as valuable as unded panda, probably more in region of ded one

  • Can customized minis only be viewed and not clicked?

  • Customized has nothing to do with duping. In the early times of HoM, every mini added become customized and not dedicated.

    On topic, reindeer is rarer but imo not as valuable as unded panda, probably more in region of ded one

    Can customized minis only be viewed and not clicked?

    Can be used normally and even switched to dedicated, if u have customized mini and go to HoM u can change it to dedicated.