Price check Q8 Zodiac Bow & some others

  • Good day,

    Came back after a 15 years hiatus. Looking to make some money to finance my new runs. I have a Q8 Zodiac Longbow, and I then included all the weapons I have no clue about ; maybe there is something worth a bit in there, who knows! Thank you kindly for your help.
















    Please follow this link to check the rest of the items, which are mostly golds and purples.
    Oh and last question : what should I do with the items that are "worthless" (which I'm assuming is most, if not all, of these). Sell to a merchant or recycle ? I have no idea which components are worth anything nowadays, nor which materials.

    Thank you kindly for your help!

    PS : I already checked for prenerf greens, at least I tried, not too sure about myself.

  • Hey there

    As I mentioned on your Reddit post, the bow should see some interest. 20v50 is one of the worst inherents, but it’s still q8 on a very popular skin.

    None of these greens are prenerf (Kepkhet’s is the only one of these that even had a prenerf version), but you might be able to sell em for a couple e each.

    Besides maybe the colossal, I’d merch all the insc. golds.

    IGN: Vengeful Was Unholy
    Discord: Unholy2295
    WTB Pre-nerf Greens -> Information
    My WTB Thread

  • Unholy Thanks again for your initial message, which obviously led me here. I do appreciate your guiding! As for the other weapos, it's noted. Just to confirm, you're telling me that the best course of action is to keep the greens in case someone would be interested, the Zodiac and the Colossal (that'd be n°6 right?), and sell to a merchant the rest as is ?

    Mango That's noted!