Perfect Bladed Shields || Demon, Condition, +30hp and more || <3

  • Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the following Bladed Shields.

    I'll leave this up here for 10-14 days.

    Enjoy the bidding <3


    Bladed Shield q9 tac +30hp -20% Blind tbd
    Bladed Shield q9 tac -20% Weakness +30hp tbd
    Bladed Shield q11 tac -2+42ws tbd
    Bladed Shield q9 tac -2+43we tbd
    Bladed Shield q10 tac +44-2we tbd
    Bladed Shield q10 tac +10vDemons -2we tbd
    Bladed Shield q9 tac -2ws +10vDemons tbd
    Bladed Shield q9 tac -2we +30hp tbd
    Bladed Shield q9 tac -2we +10vDemons tbd


    PS: i love :cookie:. Well who doesnt?