A. FDS 41a
G. 13^stance Cry 5a
A. FDS 41a
G. 13^stance Cry 5a
A. FDS 46a
G. 13^stance Cry 5a
A. FDS 60a
G. 13^stance Cry 5a
A. FDS 70a
G. 13^stance Cry 5a
820 plat
b 44a
Test it's obvious your r/b for this item is absurd
Plat Blade will be sold by tonight (CET) if no more bids.
All items have r/b and b/o added now.
Thank you for the bids.
B/O Platinum Blade ty
B/o + 5a
You are not the man who can get this one.
tell me when you collecting those type of sword
B/o sws
B/O 100
Removed all sold items. A few deliveries pending.
Will remove the two last items on top of the post if no r/b or b/o are taken by wednesday evening CET.
New Items Added.
Have fun, Up
4 - 40a
7 - 5a
9 - 5a
11 - 5a
Hi !
Lame de chasse q8
Thank you for the offers
2 - 200e
50a q7 sephis
Updated. Thank for the bids.
3 - 200e
1 - 15a
2 - 13a
3 - 8a
4- 51a
5 - 8a
6 - 5a
8 - 3a
55a q7 sephis
HI !
1. 70
Thanks for the offers
R/b met for 1. Will be sold by tomorrow, Tuesday 8pm CET if no more bids.
7a for #7
5 and 6 - 10a/ea
10a on 10
R/b met on Short Sword q8. Will be sold by Sunday 8 PM Central Time (US) if no more bids.
A few items are waiting for delivery.
Thank you for the offers. Up
Sold some items, a few other are in the process of delivery.
Will most probably close the thread after the few items that remain to be delivered & the last r/b timer is done are closed.
If you have some particular interest in some of these, feel free to reach out. If not, the ones with no r/b met will dive back into the vaults. Thank you