Tyria-locked Ironman
Tyria only is a lot of fun
It do be your fault Excite Blue that I'm doing this
First title complete.
Bro never stood a chance. It's ok guys, I stopped the searing!
Yo wtf.
Need an opinion on a few things relating to the spirit of the challenge:
*Accessing The Battle Isles, yay or nay? I'm thinking for Z quests only.
*Z coins for larger bags, yay or nay? Think it should be ok.
*Z coins for zkey, yay or nay? I'm thinking nay, but I like fancy skins...
#prerequisites: - Completed NM- Weapon/shield must be a copy of the current weapon/shield
*Pcons, summoning stones, tomes, yay or nay? I'm thinking nay on all but Honeycombs.
*Deldrimor weapon, yay or nay? I'm thinking nay, unless I already have a weapon with the same stats. Other greens are fine.
It do be your fault Excite Blue that I'm doing this
First title complete.
Bro never stood a chance. It's ok guys, I stopped the searing!
Yo wtf.
Need an opinion on a few things relating to the spirit of the challenge:
*Accessing The Battle Isles, yay or nay? I'm thinking for Z quests only.
*Z coins for larger bags, yay or nay? Think it should be ok.
*Z coins for zkey, yay or nay? I'm thinking nay, but I like fancy skins...
#prerequisites: - Completed NM- Weapon/shield must be a copy of the current weapon/shield
*Pcons, summoning stones, tomes, yay or nay? I'm thinking nay on all but Honeycombs.
*Deldrimor weapon, yay or nay? I'm thinking nay, unless I already have a weapon with the same stats. Other greens are fine.
Since all of the content is made throught your gameplay I personally wouldn’t have problem. But again in Ironman field it’s all about what you want in YOUR challenge ☺️
Edit. congrats ! -
Very cool...
From Hardmode onwards it's really fun. If you want to vanquish the areas and you can do it before the WiK, then do it. It's a pain in the assHave fun with your project
Had to buy it, like a pleb.
Bit of a cheeky move, but I wasn't in a Maguuma mood.
Surely this axe will hold me until Droknars.
30 minutes later...
What a trustworthy fellow.
First gold max sword c:
Time to bully the elderly, with secret OP hax0r build.
Best farm myself a max armour before I infuse stuff.
Making friends and dolla dolla bills with Ettins.
Very professional.
Only 10 iron, 10 wood and 400 gold?? What a steel!
GG shield and axe. Trading them for mini Kanaxai! NO LOWBALL, I KNOW WHAT I HAVE!
Tactical POG.
Friendship ended with Ettins. Now Grawl is my best friend.
Vanquish Kryta now, or torture myself with WiK mobs?
Making quick work of this project! Is "Tyria only" EOTN also?
I'm not planning on doing EotN Adinay, unless I come to a point where my (very limited) skill at the game won't be enough.
HM missions honestly seem unlikely for me, especially the 4man missions, since the henchmen AI and skillbars leave much to be desired, and warriors get cooked by the anti melee. That might end up having me do EotN, grab heroes and give them Tyrian only builds (and do everything I can in EotN, of course).
HM missions start after I vanquish everything though. Those I will painchamp with henchmen and 8man trains from TotA, after farming approximately 42069 Honeycombs during the anniversary event.
Twelve more months and I can buy a bag!
*Michael Jackson noises*
Mission, bonus and exploring, all at the same time. It's called Eve fish in sea, or something.
Just a slow NM Maguuma day, and finishing all bonuses.
</3 Rest well, our favourite spoiler-related boss
The 12 Ettins outside Beetletun drop more and better runes, than the 35 Grawls in Witman's Folly, it's kinda crazy. Gonna have to wait on the last mission until I'm done farming those bastards; it gets annoying with WiK active...
So 24/25 for the foreseeable future ._.
Warrior is good for a normal mode prophecies playthrough, it is trash in hardmode. You get hard countered as a melee while still having to somehow carry the team. I can't imagine trying to 6 man deldrimor bowl as a warrior. Did it with necromancer years ago and it took me like 1.5 hrs. Eastern Frontier is another nasty one as 4 man against patrolling groups with 2 grawl healers. Ended up doing it as mesmer with signet of midnight on my bar for some reason I cannot remember why.
justice I mean, you're not wrong. But I'll be doing everything but the Crystal Desert and Watchtower Coast as an 8man group from TotA.
Dunes of Despair is living up to it's name. Best attempt out of 10ish. Would have had it if 3 Scarabs didn't pop up right at the end or if the warriors didn't run away. Had to take a break for the rest of the day.
Might as well if Kepkhet is the ZBounty.
Some money and the last rune for IDS farming.
...and then I get it on the very first group. Bruh.
Warrior is good for a normal mode prophecies playthrough, it is trash in hardmode. You get hard countered as a melee while still having to somehow carry the team. I can't imagine trying to 6 man deldrimor bowl as a warrior. Did it with necromancer years ago and it took me like 1.5 hrs. Eastern Frontier is another nasty one as 4 man against patrolling groups with 2 grawl healers. Ended up doing it as mesmer with signet of midnight on my bar for some reason I cannot remember why.
We all are just wammo nostalgia kids 🥹
60DP? so you do not have the no-death-rule for your char? or talking about heroes? great progress either way! the nerves to leave gw on over night
Red Fireball - I feel no joy in playing hardcore characters, so I don't do that. With henchmen only (and their lovely AI), it would mean I'd be resetting every week.
Tour de Charr, complete.
Say what you will about the build. It works.
You have been playing this game for 3 days. Please take a break.
Yeah I don't like doing "no death" type runs as you end up playing safe and tedious in a not enjoyable way. If you are hiding in the backline and running away from a fight or porting out early because things are getting a little scary it doesn't strike me as playing better. Anybody who has randomly had someone leave a pug because "sorry I am working on survivor" knows.
Did you get dunes of disrepair?
justice nope, the Dunes remain Despairful. I'm sorta just ignoring missions until I finish vanquisher/explorer/skill hunter, and then I'll just lock myself into mission outposts until they're finished, although I don't have much hope of completing 4man missions.
Squeezed a few hours of energy out of myself. Hopefully the Maguuma train happens this week.
Finally a Nick week I can complete. Plus FoC and Earth Shaker captured. (Merchant summoning stones POG)
Farming on NM is so scuffed. 4 hours of giants only got me 1 rare armour piece, but at least I finally found a Major Vigor.
Ettins are still better for runes though ._.
Second run, fancy axe.