Hey, thanks cosy the rains gone Sun's out.

Off topic and Absurd
- Official Post
it went south of us as well today...but they have SNOW in the forcast for this week
Rain here
it's totally ruining my plans to go take pictures this week
After Tuesday atleast 7 days of rain.
- Official Post
tis the season
now that xmas stuff is all over the place---cant we have thanksgiving first? (though I did go to one store at the beginning of october and they were just putting out the xmas decorations!.....earliest I have seen them out: july, saw a christmas tree with american flags on them /facepalm).so everyone have their gifts bought yet? Or plan on being part of the black friday festivities? (or what is it called...cyber monday?? ) cant believe we have given names to all of these things!
I belive theres a whole week of sorts of that. Odd, ive never really gone out and bought stuff on any of those days. Too many people and tramplong stories
- Official Post
I hate shopping malls, cant believe it was a place we all wanted to go as teens (though I never got to hang out there...)
and here decades later, I would rather go to the dentist than a shopping mall. I do most of my shopping by catalogs (of which my mail box is full of this time of year...not sure how I got on the chewy.com one since we dont have any pets nor can we)...or I buy stuff during the year for people (friend loves eeyore...see eeyore gadget--buy it and store until december, etc), also avoids the pain of paying a large cc bill in january. Also usually cant wait until the end of november to buy for my friends since I have to mail them out internationally and want to get them out before the huge lines at the post office start which means buying and mailing ...er NOW (reminder to self: wrap gifts for international mailing this week) -
Shopping malls are awesome. Though in some places, it seems like there are lesser people nowadays.
The riding lawn mower we just the deck back tpgether last Thursday because a Bering went bad and now the belt popped off the same pne and i have to get help putting it back on ti get back to work befkre constany rain
- Official Post
I think either I am drunk or your spell checker konked out there ....(and I have only had green tea to drink today so I think its the latter of the choices)
one of the (few) perks of living in a condo is: no lawn to mow, that being said, instead you get 3 days a week of listening to the lawn mower going at 8AM! One of the other perks is (supposed to be) not having to shovel snow, yeah right, sometimes they do, sometimes they dont, the only good thing about having the shortest driveway here (1 1/2 cars long) is that there is not much to shovel if you have to do it yourself (one of my cars is always parked in the driveway since we only have a ONE car garage and I have yet to figure out how to get the second car in there....have thought about the lift----). And now the mowing season is just about ending (they will TRY to keep mowing all those days so they get paid....but, seriously the grass has stopped growing!) so soon there will be peace at 8am!
Hey, could anyone pm me Tico's ingame name? I forgot it and didn't have time to ask for it before the incident. :3
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So giving this one a kick....
spring is FINALLY here, been great to have the balcony door open (ok, that only lasted about 2 days and then the condo went into the mid 80's--even at night).
Got some new herbs and planted them. So how is everyone else enjoying their spring?
Here in NY / CT we are going through awkward phases of fall and summer right now...lol. WTB spring.
- Official Post
Yeah, it was pretty cold here yesterday (and raining--and hail)....Funny to go from almost 80 one day and then be barely in the 50's the next. But that is life here in the ole midwest (the saying is if you dont like the weather, wait 15 minutes).
In other news: remember this sunday is Mother's day!! We all have one (ok, mine is no longer with us) so remember her!
Looks like this thread has slowed down a bit.
Hi! I'm back, for a quick visit anyway. How has everyone been? I officially retired back in Jan., now deep into the Honey Do list. Remodeling our 2nd bedroom/den, new floor, sheetrock, and ceiling. Followed by new windows, replacing the ones that came with the house back in the 30's. Still collecting Goth's almost daily.
Take care all! Catch me later.
- Official Post
Yes, seems that without pwnd there isnt much interest in shooting the breeze (though the last few days we really could'a used a good breeze----)
Hope you have a good retirement!
This thread doesn’t really work without ol’ burning bag head boy, hey?
Does this forum have some magical link to good ol’ Guru? I’m a bit confused as to how it automagically gave me my age-old avatar from the glory days!
Can’t say I’ll be a constant hanger-on round these parts, but I just had to show my face after receiving my annual Christmas card from my favourite GW lady
(Edit) I wrote this without reading the last post (from July!) - I pwnd U; that was the feller!
- Official Post
Snoggy!!! Missed you old buddy!!! (think you probably picked your avatar when you signed up....years ago).
Glad you got the card (and show your face more often!) -
No, turns out that I must have made a gravatar years ago, and this forum automatically picks it up based on your email.
- Official Post
hm. didnt know that...my email is different and it doesnt offer me the choice my email has, but then again I have changed my avatar a bunch of times perhaps it is now confused!
Either way, good to see my fellow rat back among us! (havent heard a peep from pwnd since 2 went away).
surprisingly on topic of mouse avatars, but, I just noticed the absurdly large size of cosyfiep 's stuffed mouse compared to the bread slices in the bowl.
Please move this to the correct thread if needed...
Where is "On topic and Absurd"?
- Official Post
/sigh poor fiep, he actually would fit in that basket (and he got that way by eating all that bread
) though he is quite a large mousey--about the size of a standard football,-- he is not the largest of his family (considering he is called 30cm and there are 45cm and 80cm cosyfieps--yes I have them all as well)
In that image Fiep is on the very top above the blue fiep the big white one is 80cm)
as for the on top and absurd---what IS 'on topic'?
Wow, you must go thru a ton of stuffed cheese and stuffed
s to feed all those
- Official Post
fiep is a bread ...er...ah fanatic, yeah, that works...he has tons of stuffed toy breads ( giant croissant, loafs, baguettes....and then he sits near the real bread and when it goes bad--hard or fuzzy, he claims it as well until we find it and toss it).
- Official Post
looooong time. wha'tcha been up to?
I remember the days that we would have 500+ Pages to the OTA thread. Which episode is this anyway?
- Official Post
Dang, really looooooong time there slayer!! Seems most of the OT posters moved on as well...though I am still here!
Yeah, been busy myself. Work is work, but also on my local Fire Department.
So, is my friend having two separate semi fiep related escape attempts by two of his pet rats off topic?
Each of them ninja'd off their cubbyhole in wall / enclosure on a separate occasion. He set out food and water. He went on amazon and ordered live traps, but before he set them they came back.
- Official Post
We recently had some live fieps at our condo as well--think it was due to the cold weather this last winter since we live on the 3rd floor, not sure where they came from (though we do know why they avoided our neighbors--cats!!)
interesting ifnomration
interesting ifnomration
Obviously, then you will be very exited to know i had a ring at by doorbell at 4:45 that i thought was an early trick or treater yesterday night on Halloween. I usually get 200+ish kids with accompanying parent type individuals between 5 -8pm the town hours for it.
Luckily, i had my basket of candy ready and my costume on i answer the door in, the guy riding a chicken.
So, i answered the door.
Just one problem...
It was someone who decided it was a good time to go out asking people to vote and hand out political flyers door to door.
Idk if they thought i was crazy, but i truthfully said "in about 15min this neighborhood will be swamped with families and cars" and politely said to go away.
Hi !
I don’t know if you remember me, but I just wanted to say hi and that I still have fond memories of guru.
Hope you are all doing well !
- Official Post
Hey Red long time...yes I remember nice to see some more mature players posting
Hehe, it sure has been a long time. I graduated, moved across the world and started working. But I still find time to play video games.
I try every few years to go back to GW1, but I played it so much and its actually one of the few games I managed to do everything I wanted to in it.
Time for another random post before I disappear again. Though apparently I need to re explore places in Tyria on my Mesmer.