Hello together,
im returning to play the 3rd campaign and Eye of the North. I played Guild Wars when it first came out but not for long . I m also looking for a nice Guild btw
hope to see you game, cheers
Hello together,
im returning to play the 3rd campaign and Eye of the North. I played Guild Wars when it first came out but not for long . I m also looking for a nice Guild btw
hope to see you game, cheers
My name is Randy. I have 162 months /age @ 3900 hours. Started playing very soon after launch in 2005. Started a guild (IDF) but left in 2007 for World of Warcraft. But I'm back and lovin it! Some of my characters, Searing Princess, R A H A B, I V Y R O S E, Millennial Xxx and Sledge Mieser ;p
Been doing some Vanq and HMs. Having the ability to have mercenaries etc has made running hard content really enjoyable.
Hello, My name is Aviad
I love Guild Wars Looking for a nice guild and friends to play pve and pvp. I have strong beautiful characters!
Hi everybody!
I'm Juan, a 38 years old spanish guy. I have been playing GW in and out since 2006 aprox. and about two weeks ago I achieved GWAMM on my main character (warrior) after been playing intensively the last 4 months (vanquishing, capturing skills, map scrapping, dungeon visiting... )
Back in the day (2008-2010) I was in an active spanish guild and we used to do DoA and Fow with old school SC tactics, very funny but time consuming.
Now I'm a very casual mature player (I have kids) so I can't compromise with any serious guild commitment (I have my own with my alt and a fiend who hasn't logged in for 6 years enjoying the silence)
Not impressively rich in-game but I managed to have nice-looking weapons and armor, I have one character of each classs and I love to play monk and support classes (imbagon is kinda fun)
I was a guildwarsguru user and I love to see that still exist a strong community in GuildWars Legacy willing to have fun with the game.
So, cheers and thanks for reading! Maybe we'll meet in-game
/IGN Juan Petehan
P.D.: (sorry for my english)
just put a ticket in to recover my original account. I have my fingers crossed it works.
Started in 05 stopped when gw2 was released.
Billiard checking in. I started in 2005 and headed up two mega-guilds: Xen of Onslaught and and Team Love. I was also a long time Super Mod at Guild Wars Guru, a mod over at Team Quitter, the original Trade Mod, as well as a writer for ArenaNet.
Just downloaded the client again to see what is up. IGN: Billiard The Bold on my main account.
Guild Wars royalty right there ^
SNOGGYYY!!!!!!! My other favorite rat! how'ya'been???
Hi guys!
Guis here - slowly coming back to Guild Wars after maybe 6/7 years. I was pretty active until the EoTN times.
Looking forward to reconnecting with the community, maybe find a guild a start enjoying again the game!
Felina Fay in game. Came to GW1 to get the fiery sword skins in GW2. Having more fun here.
Hey guys and gals, my name is Mitch and I played guild wars back in the day. (2006 - 2008). Stoped playing and now am interested in beating all 4 games again. Unfortunately since I was gone so long my account got wiped and I lost all my gear and gold! So I’m starting from scratch. I am interested in joining a guild that is active that would not mind helping in missions if anyone is a part of one let me know. The only thing left on my accounts are all the b day gifts so if you want any mintures let me know! I would be willing to trade them for any type of gear you could offer. My user name I play is “its better to take” Necromancer/monk. See you guys online!
Hey guys, I am Pluszu (I use Plushu now coz ppl not from PL can't pronounce the first one xd) I came back after like 10 years. Well I was 13 at a time so you can guess I could't play very well back then, and because of current state of mmos I thought I'll do GWAMM from 0 once and for all. :f
Nice to meet you all.
Hi all,
Im Scott and my ign for my main is Sven Blackblood. Ive been playing off and on since August 2006 when I was in college. Marriage, kids and work has cut into my ability to play much but I have been getting more active recently. I was mostly a lurker on guru with the name HiddenMalice which im pretty sure is what I used on a different auction site (what I mainly used for trades instead of guru) and on the presearing boards. Been getting back into the game with my main file and an alt im starting fresh with just for fun.
I started playing GW during my first lengthy break from wow back in the day. Played it quite a bit and remember getting a level 20 character but never really experienced the end game. I recently started playing again for the nostalgia. Its as fun as I remembered but its amazing to see how much gaming has changed. Its still a little shocking to play through the campaign and realizing how much newer games really hold your hand through everything.
have been playing since 2005. Never uninstalled the game. On/off nowadays.
Hey all, Faith here!
I've recently picked Guild Wars back up and would love to have others to talk to/play with. While I have managed a fair bit over the years as a solo player, I've never gotten to enjoy group play as much as I'd like, and I haven't gotten to see some of the end game areas before. Would love to learn from others. I do have my own guild tag which has a friend's account who passed away in it so I'd rather not leave the guild, but perhaps join someone's Alliance, preferably Kurzick.
Been around since the beginning when it was just Prophecies and have put in a few thousand hours over the years (given how many years its been I really haven't played that much). Slowly working on titles at the moment, currently Tyria Vanquishing and EotN Vanquishing.
What's up, lads.
I go by Unholy I guess. Started playing back in '06. Used to be very into the speedclear community way back when. Stopped playing when gw2 came out but have gotten back into gw1 again in the past few months. I still play gw2 but gw1 has the huge nostalgia factor that's got me playing again. Came back and finished r12 zaishen (had left off at r11 like 8 years ago) and played around pretty casually solo.
I ran into Purely one day who recognized the LODX guild I was still in. I vaguely remembered his name from years ago. Anyway we talked for a bit and I told him I was looking to get into collecting OS stuff. He showed me some of his (ridiculous) collection and said to jump into the Legacy community. So here I am. He said there aren't many bow collectors out there, but that's something I always wanted before I left for gw2.
I'll get a sell thread up for some old stuff soonish hopefully, and then later some buy threads for OS bows and crenellated swords (fav skin).
First post in 2020 :).
I'm Jenn from GWG/GW2G. I started off as a sell moderator and was eventually an admin. I still play GW2, but I haven't yet installed GW on my new laptop!
Hope you're all behaving!
Welcome back!!! Nice to see some 'old' faces again!
I'm an old player of Guild Wars1, tried GW2 for a while, but can't log in there anymore on my old account.
I played Guild Wars almost from the beginning and haven't stopped yet, so it's about 15 years now?
Hey all I'm an old time GW player just logged in for the first time in 7+ years nostalgia is really kicking in lol I don't even know where to start. Are there any active guilds still running?
I've once again returned to playing Guild Wars, inspired by my best friend.
He got Guild Wars in late 2005, a couple of months after I did and recently he got the inspiration to start a new prophecies character.
I had a low level mesmer in Yak's Bend (one of the best soundtrack songs there is to listen to is there) and said "when you get there, I'll join you."
We aren't playing like we did in 2005, with 12 hour days or anything silly. We're in our late twenties now. However, when we get the chance maybe every other day or so we do a mission or two of the prophecies storyline.
It's been great.
How long will it last this time? Who knows. It has been fun though.
Hello everyone I got gw faction I remember in 2007 for my bday and it was amazing so then I got all campaigns! I played until 2012, then I got gw2 but it didn't last long. Then I decided to quit everything. Now I want to play something again and I decided to play gw1 again
tbh I don't know anything, also because as I said I quit all games for so long.... so maybe I will say something stupid or that you all already know, but I hope this game will have some more visibility and start again with some updates and stuff like that.
See you ingame
Hey all!
I'm getting back into GW1 and looked for a community to hang with and hopefully play with too. I'm in Australia, so GMT+10 but hopefully run into some of you online during weekends :). GW1 was my first MMO and I played it right up to GW2 launch. I enjoy GW2, but something's missing that this has. Probably nostalgia, but yeah ;D.
I tried to join your Discord but the Discord tab is just a white window with no link to Discord or anything? How can I join that?
I've played gw1 since the release of Nightfall, and came back to the game a few months ago to try and get GWAMM, and to play with my guildies
Mostly sticking to the Zaishen Quests as they come up, but having fun playing around with all content, especially with the new Ranger elite
Long time player here, I have started playing again with the whole lockdown thing because I needed a comfort game : p
The game changed a lot since the last time I've played but lets have some fun in it I guess !
Think my account is 15 years old, finally gave in to the impulse to log back in and see what's up.
Hello everybody I'm new to this forum,I like GW 1 and played it a few years ago.I recently bought a new laptop to play GW1,I prefer GW 1 to WoW because of the easy things to do and is really fun to play.Iv been looking forward to getting GW 1 again and join a guild again and become an active player.I like exploring and I forgot all the internet chat. You know PVP and all that language .
Hello there. Name is/was Unlucky Slayer. Mainly just a figment of a long past reality.
Played Guild Wars since around the beginning, and made my way to Super Mod on Guru before I left during the Curse deal. (Life took me down a different path anyway. )
Not sure how much I'll be around, but its nice to look into the past.
Welllll, HELLO there slayer....long time!
Hope things have been going well for you in the past bunches of years!!!
Hello my name is Sébastien I play Guild War since almost the beginning I stopped 8 years to resume there to what month ...
I am French 43 years old
Hey folks.
New to the community, but not so much to Guild Wars. I usually play a prophecies warrior on eu server.
Still haven't completed all the campaigns, but i most of the prophecies and some of the Eye of the North, but haven't gotten into Factions or Nightfall yet.
And so there's still content that i never got into or missed it. I've been getting back to it though, since i first got my Guild Wars Special Edition many years after
learning about GW from a friend. Later, we got Eye of the North expansion and played it for sometime. Kinda got distracted and/or lost inspiration to play.
This my second return to the game since first getting into the game. I made a new warrior and trying to get the LDoA title and some wealth before the searing.
Cheers! :cool:
Hello peeps,
I started playing GW more nearly 14 1/2 years ago, following one of my irl friend's call.
No regrets. Met great people, had some hilarious moments, few long tryharding nights.
New to the community, I came back into the game after chatting with a random on a Twitch chat. Dude was in my former guild where some of my old guildmates were still playing. Decided to reinstall the game to verify that but those informations were outdated since few weeks only.
There's an expression that says "Never go back with an ex". Well I did with GW, and I lost my soul once again
I finally found some old guildmates, some IRL friends that were still active and joined a very nice and active guild.
C ya all IG !
Hi there.
Used to play this game a lot with a couple of RL friends around the time Nightfall was launched, then came EotN and we stopped playing around the time of War on Kryta.
Now i've returned to build up my incomplete Hall of Monuments, but i'm struggling to make money, with current prices that obsidian armor is going to take forever!
See you in game!
I started playing GW around launch and played every night with the same group (from The Older Gamers) for about 5 years. I haven't played for 4 years though and was hoping they would have ported it to consoles, PS4 in particular. But that isn't going to happen so hoping to dust off the PC and get back into it..
It still looks and plays great, but I have a lot to relearn
Greetings Ascalon! I have returned! Find my perma-pre "Daughter of Syn" and say hello.
Yet another returning player here to say hello! I got the itch to play again after watching a random video on youtube about all the dead MMOs out there where the tldr was 99% of them are crap, but guild wars still stands strong as a quality game even in 2021. And now that the nostalgia has worn off, you know what? It's still awesome. Sadly I can't get my old gwamm account back, no email/pass or old access codes, so I'm starting the journey all over again from scratch. It's rough but I'm having such a good time with it. I'm up to 6 titles and hoping to finish survivor in a an hour or so. Wish me luck!
Yet another returning player here to say hello! I got the itch to play again after watching a random video on youtube about all the dead MMOs out there where the tldr was 99% of them are crap, but guild wars still stands strong as a quality game even in 2021. And now that the nostalgia has worn off, you know what? It's still awesome. Sadly I can't get my old gwamm account back, no email/pass or old access codes, so I'm starting the journey all over again from scratch. It's rough but I'm having such a good time with it. I'm up to 6 titles and hoping to finish survivor in a an hour or so. Wish me luck!
Welcome back and good luck!
Yet another returning player here to say hello! I got the itch to play again after watching a random video on youtube about all the dead MMOs out there where the tldr was 99% of them are crap, but guild wars still stands strong as a quality game even in 2021. And now that the nostalgia has worn off, you know what? It's still awesome. Sadly I can't get my old gwamm account back, no email/pass or old access codes, so I'm starting the journey all over again from scratch. It's rough but I'm having such a good time with it. I'm up to 6 titles and hoping to finish survivor in a an hour or so. Wish me luck!
Welcome back.
Dont know if this applies to your lost account or not, but I'll share my experience.
I was able to recover 3 accounts by giving support my old mail addresses( old email addresses no longer available) with character names associated with each account. I gave them new email addresses and they linked the old accounts after verifying character names of the old accounts.
I started playing back in... 2006, I think. Might have been just before Factions released. I've come back every once in a while ever since- Guild Wars (1) is probably the only game I've never uninstalled.