Thanks for your help!

PC +11e Q6 insc heal focus
don't wanna pc, since I could be interested. As soon as I found a decent utility.
It's still max stats for its req + gold, worth a bit (not a fortune i agree )
ive sold blue ones like this ~50e so id think gold could go ~250-300e to right buyer,maybe more with few ppl bidding noneone knows
why every post im looking , masahiro123 say merch ??
dont merch this , im sure someone would like it
isnt 11/6 prenerf??? i droped lots of low req focis myself but never saw q6/11e drop ....
even if its not prenerf put it up for sale, im 1000% sure there will be interest in it :p
edit: okay, thanks
i still never saw one dropping hehe
it is not hGt
q6 11e focis allways dropped from lvl 15-18 foes
(gold-purple, blues also higher lvls)
Not prenerf , I won't say they are commun, but not that rare (in blue)
I have the exact same Healing Ankh (Gold Q6/11 Energy) and I may be Bias since I have one, but this is a beauty!!
I will share that I remember the day I got this as a drop and a friend offered me 250e on the spot, and that was a year ago.
Granted, they collected the same things I do so they were willing to pay up, but since I also had a Q5/10 Gold Ankh, I declined the offer.
I believe that interest will dictate the price but would suggest not to take less than 250e.
May 3, 2018 at 7:00 PM Closed the thread.