Here my updated list of items I'd like to buy! There are still some gaps to fill and I still got some ecto to spend on these
Important stuff first:
Priority List - I want these. Order of mods doesn't matter (unless specified). Prices are only paid once per item. If you feel they are too low we can talk, whereas I rather pushed them high as a motivation for you to find me those items. For every item you get me in contact with you get a 10% reward - if it is your own item you ofc get the price + the reward.
- q8 -3wH +30 Tower Shield or Defender 150a
- any req -5/20 +10vs Troll/Undead - Tower Shield or Defender 10a/ea
- any req +10vs Tengu/Troll +30HP - Tower Shield or Defender 50a/ea
Open for trades as well - contact me! Post here, send a PM or IGN Red Fireball Rusher
1:1 Trades - I got several shields that I'd prefer in different order of mods. I'd offer a 1:1 trade and add a little money for convenience Listed is the order as I want it - I have the opposite.
- Defender q8 -2wS +30
- Defender q9 -2wE +10vsCold,Dwarf,Plant,Slashing
- Tower q9 -2wE 10vsCharr,Giant
1. oldschool Tower shields and Defenders!
Please offer anything you have
a more specific list
- any req (0-13)
- any number of mods: clean, singlemod, dualmod, triplemod
- any rarity: white, blue, purple, gold, green
- any time: prenerf, postnerf...
My interest focuses on the following:
- gold dualmaxmod ones in 16ar any req or max ar for req
- funny purple ones
- nice lowreq ones
- q9 single max mod purple/gold ones
2. insc, clean and white Tower Shields and Defenders!
(clean can be obtained from certain Charr Battleplan quests...)
Basically for any armor value the lowest req and for any req (0-9) the maximum armor value plus gold insc q9s in all gold values
Defenders I need
- gold unid (proph/fac - handle unapplyable): 16/8, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11, 16/12, 16/13
- gold unid (from nf/eotn - applyable handle): 16/8, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11, 16/12, 16/13
- gold insc: 16/9 (collecting by merch value - see below)
- gold clean: 16/8, 16/9, 16/11, 16/12, 16/13
- purple unid (proph/fac - handle unapplyable): 16/8, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11, 16/12, 16/13
- purple unid (from nf/eotn - applyable handle): 16/9, 16/10, 16/11, 16/12, 16/13
- purple insc: 16/10, 16/11, 16/12
- purple clean: 16/8, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11
- blue unid (proph/fac - handle unapplyable): 14/6, 15/7, 16/8, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11, 16/12, 16/13
- blue unid (nf/eotn - applyable handle): 13/5, 14/6, 15/7, 16/8, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11, 16/12, 16/13
- blue insc: 16/11, 16/12
- white (proph/fac - handle unapplyable): 13/5, 16/12
- white (nf/eotn - applyable handle): 13/5, 16/10
Towers I need
- gold unid (proph/fac - handle unapplyable): 11/3, 14/6, 15/7, 16/8, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11, 16/12, 16/13
- gold unid (nf/eotn - applyable handle): 11/3, 12/4, 14/6, 15/7, 16/8, 16/12
- gold insc: 11/3, 12/4, 16/9 (collecting by merch value - see below)
- gold clean: 16/8
- purple unid (proph/fac - handle unapplyable): 8/0, 9/1, 10/2, 11/3, 12/4, 13/5, 14/6, 15/7, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11, 16/12
- purple unid (nf/eotn - applyable handle): 9/1, 11/3, 12/4, 13/5,15/7, 16/8, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11, 16/12, 16/13
- purple insc: 9/1, 16/11, 16/13
- purple clean: 8/0, 9/1, 10/2, 11/3, 16/8, 16/13
- blue unid (proph/fac - handle unapplyable): 8/0, 9/1, 10/2, 11/3, 12/4, 13/5, 16/10, 16/11
- blue unid (nf/eotn - applyable handle): 8/0, 9/1, 10/2, 11/3, 12/4, 13/5, 14/6, 15/7, 16/8, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11, 16/12, 16/13
- blue insc: 9/1, 16/10, 16/12
- white (nf/eotn - applyable handle): 10/2, 14/6, 16/9, 16/10, 16/11
- white (proph/fac - handle unapplyable): 9/1, 12/4
gold insc 16/9 ones I need by gold value
Listed is the value of the shields I miss - after identification without an "improved sale value" on it. I'll pay 5e/ea + proper price for the mods or the option to give you back the salvaged mods
- Defender: 136, 140, 144, 148, 152, 156, 160, 164, 168, 176, 180, 184, 188, 192, 196, 200, 208, 212, 220, 236, 244, 248, 256, 264, 272, 284, 288, 292, 296, 300, 304, 312, 324, 328, 332, 336, 344, 348, 356, 372, 376, 380, 384, 388, 392, 396, 400, 404, 408, 412, 416, 424, 428, 432, 436, 440, 444, 448, 452, 456, 460, 464, 468, 472, 476, 480, 484, 488, 492, 496, 500 and higher
- Tower: 136, 140, 144, 148, 152, 156, 160, 164, 168, 172, 176, 180, 184, 188, 192, 196, 200, 320, 324, 332, 384, 388, 396, 400, 404, 408, 416, 420, 424, 428, 432, 436, 440, 444, 448, 452, 456, 460, 464, 468, 472, 476, 480, 484, 488, 492, 496, 500 and higher
Would be very happy to get some sets finished, I need your help in order to accomplish this. Looking forward to some nice trades!
1. oldschool q0 max damage 14^50 martial (axe,bow,dagger,hammer,sword) purples!
This really is some weapons I like for their vibe. Hit me up with what you got to figure out the pricing. For Shields impress me with any dualmods you might have They REALLY need to be max damage and q0 and max mod - else I won´t be interested. Max damage for reference: Axe 6-12, Bow 9-13, Dagger 4-7, Hammer 11-15, Sword 8-10, Shield 8ar.
cheers, Red