need more - got a short bow for my q0 collection

Red Fireball WTB Tower Shield & Defender (all kinds) and q0 14^50 os purple items
bump - still looking!
^bump - got two more q0 13^50 purples drop - sad world^^
bump! Thanks for ingame offers! You are awesome
May 3, 2018 at 6:27 PM Closed the thread. -
bump - a late one
still need more ;D
up we go
Just got a q12 Defender Reduce Weakness -2wS (248g) if you need one
yes I like it - added you ingame Chrozinel , hope to see you soon
bump here - got some nice additions recently! Keep them coming
bump another ten shields been added to the collection - keep them coming!
up again - always looking for more!
Got 3 shields on my sells if you are interested = 68, 69 & 70
it's never too late for a bump
Got r9 OS defender -2 while in a stance. So like Huhu offered but without ogre mod. Not sure if it is of any worth for you.
Got r9 OS defender -2 while in a stance. So like Huhu offered but without ogre mod. Not sure if it is of any worth for you.
Sry I had entirely fogotten to reply - shame on me
I do already have that one, sry but thanks for the offer
This is a bump
time for a bump - had a few nice additions ingame, thanks a lot there!
atleast i try
atleast i try
Thanks a lot for the offer - I encourage everyone to take an example and at least try
I do have this version in q9 and max mods already, so I don't need - sry.
This is a bump
bump - thanks for ingame additions
yet another bump C:
bump - thanks for several ingame additions! Keep them coming!
thanks for the offers and ingame additions!
This is a bump
bring up my post!
q9 10vdemon/+27 Defender
thanks for the offers and ingame additions!
This is a bump
le bump
i Have a q9 Tower Shield +45 stance -2 Enchant
bump - thanks for the offer, hope to see you soon
I've got a clean gold insc q9 str 16ar defender. IGN is Katerra Savage.
q8str 16armor Defender w/ +45HP hexed. PM for ign if interested
thanks for all ingame additions and offers!
Up we go!
what about this here?
it feels like a bump is overdue... - here we go!
thanks for the addition fntasy
Happy New Year to everyone!
up we go!