Hi, I've been trading guilds quite a lot recently and I encountered a problem, namely the lack of actively playing trademods.
Afaik Emma is virtually inactive and unwilling to mod trades.
Motoko is american and online after CET midnight and some people don't trust him, though personally all trades I did with him were completed without any problems.
PvE people don't know Smoki, so they don't want to use him as trademod.
Some people propose Kiki, but I don't know whether she can be trusted.
Some people propose Pagore, but I don't know if i want to trust one of the biggest botters in PvP with high value trades.
There are 2 new guys, Unicorn and Doc, but I'm unfamiliar with either of them or their history and they don't seem to have any references, so I'd think twice before doing a XXXa trades with them.
The aim of this thred is to get opinion and possibly references regarding these trademods that don't have any references or those surrounded by mixed feelings.