PC Few Shields / Custom Kuunavang / Jitte
Mango -
May 12, 2019 at 9:41 PM -
Hi, bump !
May 18, 2019 at 10:37 PM Changed the title of the thread from “PC Few Shields” to “PC Few Shields / Custom Kuunavang / Jitte”. -
Hey, bump !
alo, no opinions ?
- Official Post
Well, y’see, these shields are botted to death by cheaters, which has driven down the value immeasurably. So suddenly dropping a load of them into an already deflated market means you’re unlikely to get much, if any interest in them. Sure, some of them have decent stats, but the sheer numbers of these being farmed means the whole world already owns perfect examples.
My advice would be to list them for sale and see where the bids go, as they’re all really common now.
agree with MaxBorken
take whatever someone offers you, if not id merch them or put on heroes
jitte 50-100e
kuunavang:i think ded one is 200-300e, cant really say about customized one, as far as i know there arent collectors or maybe only a few who collect customized pets,
since u cant use them price depends on whatever one of the few collectors will give you but i dont think it will be much, imo same price as for ded would be fair
customized ≠ dedicated, it's a previous version
Iirc custo pets can actually still be 'dedicated' under the new system.
If anything a 'customized' pet is sorta 'prenerf' for lack of a better word.
Maybe someone knows more about customized pets and could tell you more / better than me.
Only putting it for sale could really tell a price, but, idk if anyone is doing a custo pets collection or something
I also agree with Max. The dragon moss bot has flooded the market with Gothics and Echos. Ambers have been less affected but the two you have are not great. Unless you get one of 50 odd desired mod combos out of the thousands possible that bot is now almost redundant if you indent to sell the loot you "farmed".
#2, #5 and #6 might get a little interest on legacy with 30-50e range.
#9, #16, #17 could sell, although maybe best sold in game to people who want the mods to use rather than collectors looking for shinny things?
The rest are probs heros or reluctant merch whilst thinking back to better days b4 cheaters ruined the value of these skins
Ty for help, i put it on my trade topic and see
June 24, 2019 at 10:51 PM Closed the thread.