How common are Dual Inscriptions?
What you have there is an "Oldschool Shield" with dual mod. These are different from Inscripted items as you cannot change the mods. Any item that is dropped from Prophecies or Factions campaigns are considered oldschool (aka "OS"). These days, it takes a really good gold dual mod OS shield to have value. Purples typically don't sell. You just happen to have a purple with max mods (2^stance and Reduces Bleeding). My suggestion would be to merch or if you have a run/farm scenario that it may be helpful to use, may be one to hold onto.
I hope that helps.
What you have there is an "Oldschool Shield" with dual mod. These are different from Inscripted items as you cannot change the mods. Any item that is dropped from Prophecies or Factions campaigns are considered oldschool (aka "OS"). These days, it takes a really good gold dual mod OS shield to have value. Purples typically don't sell. You just happen to have a purple with max mods (2^stance and Reduces Bleeding). My suggestion would be to merch or if you have a run/farm scenario that it may be helpful to use, may be one to hold onto.
I hope that helps.
Hi Chevy thanks for the reply,
I know its an OS dual mod weapon, but as you can see it has 2 "inscriptions" instead of the usual shield handle + inscription. How common is it that shields or other weapons have 2 "inscriptions"?
- Official Post
Forgive me for being blunt, but even a tiny bit of research on the wiki would answer your question very easily.
It’s very common for shields to drop with those mods. Chevy is right - it has no value
Oldschool items don't have inscriptions. Inscriptions will start with "Inscription:xxxxx" and these can be removed. Inscripted items drop from Nightfall and EOTN. Old School Shields never contain an inscription.
From a perspective of how common a dual mod vs single mod shield is, here is some stats from my personal HM Chest tracking
Out of 4474 HM Chests in the last 6 months, I got 182 OS Shields (4.1%), of those, 33 were dual mod (18%).
this only happens for os shields. i would think those just come with random mods from the overall pool, so every dual mod shield has a decent chance to be "dual inscription" (noone else ever calls them that tho). as for the value, agree with chevy
Forgive me for being blunt, but even a tiny bit of research on the wiki would answer your question very easily.
It’s very common for shields to drop with those mods. Chevy is right - it has no value
Thanks. Couldn't find it on the wiki.
Thanks all.
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