Close please

January 19, 2020 at 11:42 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Undedicated Polar Bear + Rift Warden” to “Undedicated Polar Bear”. -
Bring this up
S/b on it
Bring this up
February 4, 2020 at 6:12 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Undedicated Polar Bear” to “OS Shields +10vXX”. -
20e on each echovald
Ornate Shield Q9tac +10vFire +1 Earth 20% - 50e
Ornate Shield Q10tac +1 Divine Favor 20% +10vDemons -1a -
Defender Q10str +30hp +10vDragons
Defender Q10str +30hp +10vDemons
Defender Q10str +30hp +10vDragons 1a pls
Zodiac Shield Q11str +30hp +10vSlashing 15e
March 3, 2020 at 8:35 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Shields +10vXX” to “Q9 20/20 Holy Rod + OS Shields +10vXX”. -
bump updated
5a holy rod
March 21, 2020 at 8:55 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Q9 20/20 Holy Rod + OS Shields +10vXX” to “OS Shields +10vXX”. -
April 1, 2020 at 10:52 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Shields +10vXX” to “OS Shields (Magmas, Amber, Gloom, Echovald, Emblazoned)”. -
Updated items
Aegis q11 1a
Bladed q11 2a
Defender Q12 -2wE +10vCharr 5e
Aegis Q13tac -2wE +10vPlants 5e
Magmas Shield Q12 +30hp +10vFire - 2a
Magmas Shield Q13 +10vDwarf -2wS - 1a
still interested in those echovalds as well.
edit: oh I have some shields you were interested in, maybe you wanted to make a trade? PM me!
Magmas Shield Q13 +10vDwarf -2wS - 2a
Defender Q12 -2wE +10vCharr - 30e
Eternal Shield Q10 -2wE +10vFire - 3a
Defender Q12 -2wE +10vCharr 35e
Magmas q13 4a
q9 -2ws/+30 Amber 1a~
q10 +45we/-2we Eternal 1a~
q12 +30/10vFire Magmas 3a~
q12 -2we/10vCharr Defender 40e~
magmas 30/10 fire q12 5a
r11 Tac Amber Aegis -2wE +10vDemon 1a
Previous bids:
Magmas Shield Q13 +10vDwarf -2wS - 2a
Eternal Shield Q10 -2wE +10vFire - 3a
Defender Q12 -2wE +10vCharr - 50e
Purely Which shields are you bidding on? There are a few Q12's for example.
Defender Q12 -2wE +10vCharr - 55e
Amber Aegis Q9tac -2wS +30hp - 3a
Defender Q12 -2wE +10vCharr -- 70e
Defender Q12 -2wE +10vCharr - 80e
Defender Q12 -2wE +10vCharr -- 100e
r11 Tac Amber Aegis -2wE +10vDemon 2arms
Defender Q12 -2wE +10vCharr -- 120e
r11 Tac Amber Aegis -2wE +10vDemon 3a
Defender Q12 -2wE +10vCharr -- 150e