this round ends this weekend, pm or leave you igns.
this round ends this weekend, pm or leave you igns.
q12 oni daggers 12e
Q8 Inspiration Jeweled Chalice - 1e
Q10 15^50 Colossal Pick - 5e
Q10 15^-5e Colossal Pick - 1e
Q9 15^-5e Chaos Axe - 1e
q8/11 crude shield 5e
q12 jeweled chalice 10e
ign Adanel Jade
runic blade 7e
Crippling Jade Longbow of Defense 3e
3e on jade staff
IGN: Korak The Titan
Staff wrappings curses, air, water and df - 1e/ea
Edit: Every wrapping once, so 4e in total
runic axe 15-5 - 7e
Nimbly Crow
Wickeld blade q9 +15%-5e : 5e
5e on the Aureate Aegis q9 Command.
outcast staff communing 5e on this
IG : Blind Was My Fury
q9 spantha 5e
Q11 goth sword 4e
Hi.. I'll buy alot of those greens! I'm collecting them all hehe... Pm me ASAP
Ign: I Hate Earl Grey
q13 Tetsubo Hammer +5 - 5e
q13 Jade Hammer 15^50 - 2e
purple zodiac shield is wich C/o ? or maybe sold allrdy ?
*i will edit this to an offer maybe or retract just PM me pls with the infos*
150e q13 dwarf axe
50e purple zod +25hp
ingame : Kamadan Jester