Echovald q10t -2wE +30hp b/o

Ornate q9T -5/20 +30hp Gold value : 300g
Ketuja -
June 23, 2020 at 7:13 PM -
Oni blade + 15-5e R/B 15e
ign: Chrome Heart Beast
R/B plague born q9 +5e
Gothic q9t -2wE +1/20% blood - 20e
Q9 Collosal Pick - 15e
Ornate buckler q9t +10 slashing -2wE 2arm
Echovald q9t -2wE +10earth 10arm
January 19, 2021 at 6:55 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Echo q9t perf - DV/DZ - q8 weapons - Demon shield & others stuff” to “NEW STUFFS ! Cool Shields”. -
Outcast shield 10vs fire 2we 5a ign Aliana Resurrected
Earth gothic def 10e
60e Amber Set
2a slashing gothic defender
Plagueborn shield q8s +44st/+10dragon - 1a
Ign : Dadan Le Romanichel
Plagueborn shield q9t -3wH +58wH - 20e
IGN: Katie Ironheart -
echo q9 10^piercing 2w/e 5arms
outcast q9 10^fire 2w/e 5arms
goth q9 10^ piercing 2w/e 5arms
goth q9 10^ slashing 2w/e 5arms
Furious collosal pick q9 15/50 10e
embossed +10vSlash/-2wE 5a
outcast q9 10^fire 2w/e 10arms
b/o up
Outcast 9t +10fire -2wE 12a
Outcast 9t +10fire -2wE 15arms
r/b up
Outcast 9t +10fire -2wE 16a
b/o on these thx
Outcast 9t +10fire -2wE
Echo q9t +10 piercing -2wE
Gothic q9t +10piercing -2wE
Goth Q9 10^Earth -2w/e 5arms
Retract on goth. Bought in game.
April 25, 2021 at 3:21 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW STUFFS ! Cool Shields” to “Ornate q9T -5/20 +30hp Gold value : 300g”. -
Up new cool shield
ornate q9t -5/20 +30hp gv: 300g
Last bump
Bo added
August 2, 2021 at 8:38 AM Closed the thread. -