PC on q8 Shadow Shield
Out of curiosity, did you get this as a drop yourself? or did you buy it? Really curios where they drop, they dont pop up often.
i have seen less then these then magmas q8 (wich drop titans in DoA veeeeeeeery rarely) but u kill quite a lot titans on DoA runs and DoA is run a lot.
these only place i know these drop should be the shadow units in DoA (and whole vortex region) but on a DoA run u kill 0 shadow units (on a normal run afaik) and a farm for large groups of these i dont know so i assume isnt popular either.
Wait for more PC's maybe its a real Gem u just have here.
I bought it decades ago from a player.
I was under the assumtion, they drop from Obsidian Furnace Drakes that spawn during the "Drakes On the Plain" quest, one of the "you can only get a q8 inscriptable in blue" type of shields. But i have never been able to confirm my idea.... though i have seen q9s drop when i tried to farm it.
Price wise, kinda impossible to tell, same sorta thing as the q8 blue magmas, can get like 25-60a..... But this one is defently less likely to just drop randomly. Not much iterest around these sorta shields. People see a blue and are put off, without realising how rare it actualy is.
Just dont sell privately, i my self would love to add this to my collection if i wasnt so broke, but i wouldnt sell it at all if i were you XD -
Thats a sweet shield
Agreed, first time i see one, didnt know it existed
I guess many arms worth
I had no clue these existed but as everyone else is saying... Do not sell it privately!
That is a lovely shield, I think it will be hard to slap a hard value on it for its worth. Best bet is to put it up for sale and see what happens.
Impossible to PC, until you posted that image basically nobody knew one existed. Put for sale and let the bids happen. I am reminded of the 1st blue magmas that was sold going for 200a+ and that was a few years ago now. Will this reach anything like that kinda number? Sell publicly and find out.
PS. Do not take private offers on this one!
agreed with the above - very cool - very rare - most likely comes from drakes - Post for sale and see the numbers rising
March 14, 2021 at 10:47 PM Closed the thread.