Unfortunately rolled 1 mod but wondering if it still holds any value?
Unfortunately rolled 1 mod but wondering if it still holds any value?
Single mod OS items always merch.
The only exception I know of is that some collectors like single mod q9 gold shields with a specific armor vs creature mod.
They’re happy to throw a few ectos for those, otherwise just merch.
Just for reference I think a perfectly matching 20% HCT or HSR mod could give some small value to a r8, but not much. I this case I agree with above, single universal modded foci can be merched even when r8.
Overall I agree with above. Some people save these from merch for a couple of ectos 1-5e maybe. U can try for 2 weeks in an.l auction here or B/O x ectos and when no one wants to save it then u can still merch it