[CLOSE PLS]OS stuff/Froggy/Q9 Dom Wand

  • Hey guys, i got some Items i need a PC on.

    Just write in the Comments what skin and what you think about it :)

    Earth Staff: Basic skin

    Thank you !



    Edited 2 times, last by BlutD: Earth Staff : its a basic skin. (March 22, 2021 at 4:23 PM).

  • What skin is the earth staff? There are various skins which range wildly in value.

    14^50 Chaos axe merch

    Platinum Wand I’d salvage the mods rather than sell the wand, which is common when inscribable afaik. Maybe get a second opinion.

  • Some people like Plat wand as set for the celestial compass. 5-10e these can be sold but aren't searched to often. I had mine for ~3 month. So merching is an option when u don't like long term sales for "low value" - items :)

    Edit : definitely agree on the earth staff we need to know the skin. Basic, crystal, metal(Cantha) or obsidian. All have very different prices.

    Q9 15^50 Chaos axe ~10e-ish

    Frog sceptre u can check Kamadan trade chat. Com but most likely merch or 1-5e maybe

    IGN: Mr Clean Value

    :!: Important: Please if i win an auction/or u want to sell me an item write me an PM so we can organize the Trade :!:

    ...................................................................( Thanks for understanding and appreciate the help <3 )......................................................................................................

    "Keep it clean!" 🧽💦

    WTB: x00g - Clean Value items - 360g Roundshield - 256g RAM-hammer - Waterwand with 20/20 Fire

  • BlutD March 26, 2021 at 7:45 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “OS stuff/Froggy/Q9 Dom Wand” to “[CLOSE PLS]OS stuff/Froggy/Q9 Dom Wand”.
  • bsoltan March 27, 2021 at 2:43 AM

    Closed the thread.