Who knows, I won’t be bidding sadly. List it for sale and we can find out. It is a great shield regardless
Posts by Emma
Oh man... if only..
I personally wouldn't sell below 250e, maybe even 5a. However only an auction will tell.
Jade Orbs were sold yesterday to a friend. Sorry for those interested, I updated them on my thread immediatly.
SW.1 is sold to Toshi_01 for R/B!A.5 and H.1 were sold in game.
huhu Emma need a service from you:
Level 7 100e (includes Chabek Village (no bonus), Vizunah Square (standard reward 30+ min) and Nahpui Quarter (standard reward 30+ min)
pm me ingame: Element of Lionsun
Hope you enjoyed the service
hey Emma, i need some NM and HM dungeons, ive added you in game, IGn Dua Lipa, thanks!
I'll write you when I see you in game!
Team composition with 5 derv heroes as damage dealers. Each must use a different Avatar
I second blind fury price check fellblade 100a+
Eternal high 80-100a
hand axe 30a+
Icy dragon is 10ecto-10ecto
Whilst I see no reason to disagree with the other three. I disagree with the Hand Axe. I know 30a+ is a very broad pc, but I currently have a c/o of 30a on a r8 15^50 Battlepick. Which is imo a far lesser skin.
I can’t give a more accurate PC tho, due to just returning. But 30a seems too low imo.
Sold Mo.8 to Gentleman Xander and r8 Tribal to MiltonNews . Thanks guys -
R/W player with Axe (no need for shield req), 2 R/W hero with Axe (no need for shield req). Pets are optional, rest of the heroes to your liking. For general PvE content.
8 touch rangers. See if you can work in some different secondary proffesions etc. The more touch and PBAoE skills the better.
I probably should have posted this sooner, but better late than never. I've always had a thing for this mod combination, so over the years a collection slowly grew. I even dare say it is my 2nd favorite combo. It started with me buying the Magmas, Shadow and Tower from Aris. After that I acquired the Eternal from Imy and a few years later the Ornate from Raining. Then it was time for a couple of breaks, but soon after returning I got the Defender from Raining as well.
Thank you so much my friends, for making this collection possible.
But then it was time for the big one... The SWS...... Thank you Tooburns! Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for you letting me own this out-of-this-world SWS. I am completely over the moon with it. For me it is up there with my r8 +1/20 Divine +30 Eternal and I think that is the biggest compliment I could give any shield.
The latest addition comes not in the form of a pre-nerf shield, but in the form of a gorgeous little purple from the purple man himself: Onde, thank you for this gift!
I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do.
The gift that keeps on giving. Three more pre nerfs with a post nerf vibe. First +41-45 in there as well!
Xin Yhu , Captain Krompdown and Gentleman Xander R/B's have been added on some of the attri shields you bid on.
Added some R/B's. Will sell after 48h of no new bids. B/O will be added when R/B is met.
Danthor which purple Gothic you bid on? There is 1 sword and 2 shields haha -
8 warriors pls with Soldiers Stance as the player elite
I got an Amber Aegis you might like here
Listing some of my perfect attribute shields. Not all are for sale, some are mutually exclusive and others will only go for very good offers.Puppy some Echovalds and Diamond for you
Captain Krompdown I know there's some for you here
Xin Yhu Aegis' and SotWs for you
Unholy a r11 +1/20 Death +30 Amber Aegis here. It's not a r9, but maybe you're interested
I’ll have some echovalds coming up on my thread tonight or tomorrow. I’ll tag you
Hey folks,
Happy biddings! Once R/B is met, I will sell after 48h if no new bids. B/O will be added when R/B is met.Big Ticket Items:
Big Ticket Items
Added Pictures # Name req Inherent/Mod 1 Mod 2 C/O R/B B/O Status 25-9-2023BT.4Chaos Axe815wEN/A75a by Sicilianking 75a 100aSold for R/B to Sicilianking. 02-10-2023BT.5Gemstone Axe815wEN/A100a by Mortified Mango 100a 150aSold for R/B to Mortified Mango [NEW] 23-12-2023 BT.7 Dragon Kamas 8 15wSt N/A 100a by Moon 200a [NEW] 23-12-2023 BT.8 Bladed Shield 9 Tac +10 vs Demons +1/20 Domination 100a by SafeOfBlossoms 150a Shields:
Added Pictures # Name req Mod 1 Mod 2 C/O R/B B/O Status 5-7-2023 SH.2 Skeleton Shield 8 Tac -5/19 +30 50a 5-7-2023 SH.5 Gothic Defender (Purple) 8 Str +30wSt +1/16 Curses 2a 31-7-2023SH.9Summit Warlord Shield8 Tac-2wEN/A3a by Miles 3a 5aSold to Miles for R/B 31-7-2023SH.10Skeleton Shield10 Tac+19wSt-2wE5a by Mango 5a 10aSold to Mango for R/B 25-9-2023 SH.13 Celestial Shield 8 Tac +27 -2wE 25a 23-10-2023SH.14Aegis8 Tac+21wSt-2wE50a in game 50a 75aSold for R/B in game. [NEW] 23-12-2023SH.15Tower Shield8 Str+42wE+7 vs Skeletons50a Sold for R/B in game awhile ago before bump [NEW] 23-12-2023SH.16Summit Warlord Shield9 Tac+10 vs Undead-3wH10a by Hate Core 10a 20aSold for R/B to Hate Core. [NEW] 23-12-2023 SH.17 Shadow Shield (White) 7 Str N/A N/A 12a by Cute 30a Axes:
Added Pictures # Name req Inherent C/O R/B B/O Status 19-7-2023 A.1 Archaic Axe 8 15^50 25a by Aliss 75a 21-7-2023A.4Hand Axe (Tyrian)813vH10a in game 10a 15aSold for R/B in game. 21-7-2023 A.6 War Axe 8 13vH 10a 31-7-2023 A.8 Sickle (Crescent) 8 15^50 10a by Aliss 50a 31-7-2023 A.10 Great Axe 8 14^50 20a 3-8-2023A.11Summit Axe (Non Max)813^50Christmas present for a friend 8-9-2023 A.12 Cleaver (Tyrian) 8 15wSt 15a by Test 35a 8-9-2023 A.13 Sickle (Crescent) 8 15wE 5a by Aliss 30a 8-9-2023 A.14 Battlepick 8 12vH 10a Swords:
Added Pictures # Name req Inherent C/O R/B B/O Status 5-7-2023 SW.9 Wicked Blade (Purple) 8 13^50 15a 31-7-2023 SW.19 Flamberge 8 13wE 3a by Aliss 15a 31-7-2023 SW.20 Wicked Blade 8 19v50 10a 3-8-2023SW.21Fellblade814vH10a in game 10a 15aSold for R/B in game. 8-9-2023SW.27Fiery Dragon Sword813wSt25a Sold for R/B in game awhile ago before bump 8-9-2023 SW.28 Long Sword 8 15vH 5a by Brock 15a 8-9-2023SW.29Long Sword813vH10a by Mango 10a 15aSold for R/B to Mango 8-9-2023 SW.30 Gothic Sword 8 14wE 5a by Test 10a [NEW] 23-12-2023 SW.31 Fiery Dragon Sword (Purple) 8 13^50 1a by Test 5a Bows
Added Pictures # Name req Inherent C/O R/B B/O Status Hammers:
Added Pictures # Name req Inherent C/O R/B B/O Status 3-8-2023 H.6 War Hammer (Spikey) (Non Max) 8 14^50 1a 7-8-2023H.8Ram's Hammer912^5015a in game 15a 20aSold for R/B in game. 8-9-2023 H.10 War Hammer (Lion) 8 13-10 3a by Cute 10a 25-9-2023H.12Giant Slayers Hammer814^5050a in game 50a 75aSold for R/B in game. 23-10-2023H.13Giant Slayers Hammer813wE15a in game 15a 20aSold for R/B in game. [NEW] 23-12-2023 H.14 War Hammer (Spikey) 8 14^50 75a [NEW] 23-12-2023 H.15 Marble Hammer 8 15wSt 10a by Shaya 35a Daggers:
Added Picture # Name Req Inherent C/O R/B B/O Status [NEW] 23-10-2023D.1Oni Daggers815wSt75a by Smallish Dayz 75a 125aSold to Smallish Dayz for R/B [NEW] 23-10-2023D.2Oni Daggers (Purple)813^5015a Sold for R/B in game awhile ago before bump Staves
Added Pictures # Name req Mod 1 Mod 2 C/O R/B B/O Status 8-9-2023 ST.13 Accursed Staf 9 Curses HCT Death 20% HSR Death 19% Christmas present for a friend Wands
Added Pictures # Name req Mod 1 Mod 2 C/O R/B B/O Status 24-7-2023W.2Truncheon8 BloodEnergy +5wEHSR Blood 15%35a Sold for R/B in game awhile ago before bump Offhands
Added Pictures # Name req Mod 1 Mod 2 C/O R/B B/O Status 3-8-2023 O.2 Gilded Artifact 8 Fast Casting Armor +5 -20hp HSR Domi 19% 10a Pre-Nerf Mods
Added Pictures # Name C/O R/B B/O Status 7-8-2023 10/10 Axe Sundering Axe Haft 35a 40a In stock 25-8-2023 10/9 Axe Sundering Axe Haft 15a 20a In stock 8-9-2023 10/8 Axe Sundering Axe Haft 5a by Test 15a 20a In stock 11-9-2023 10/7 Axe Sundering Axe Haft 15a 20a In stock - - 10/6 Axe - - - - Not in stock - - 10/5 Axe - - - - Not in stock Note: 10/10 is not Pre-Nerf
Added Pictures # Name C/O R/B B/O Status 8-9-2023 10/10 Sword Sundering Sword Hilt 2a 3a In stock - - 10/9 Sword - - - - Not in stock 11-9-2023 10/8 Sword Sundering Sword Hilt 5a by ivann 15a 20a In stock - - 10/7 Sword - - - - Not in stock 8-9-2023 10/6 Sword Sundering Sword Hilt 5a by Test 15a 20a In stock 11-9-2023 10/5 Sword Sundering Sword Hilt 5a by ivann 20a 25a In stock Added Pictures # Name C/O R/B B/O Status 7-8-202310/10 BowSundering Bowstring35a40aOut of stock 8-9-2023 10/9 Bow Sundering Bowstring 5a by Cute 15a 20a In stock 7-8-2023 10/8 Bow Sundering Bowstring 5a by Cute 15a 20a In stock 1-9-2023 10/7 Bow Sundering Bowstring 5a by Cute 15a 20a In stock 25-9-2023 10/6 Bow Sundering Bowstring 5a by Cute 15a 20a In stock 25-8-202310/5 BowSundering Bowstring20a25aOut of stock Added Pictures # Name C/O R/B B/O Status - - 10/10 Hammer - - - - Not in stock 25-8-2023 10/9 Hammer Sundering Hammer Haft 15a 20a In stock 8-9-2023 10/8 Hammer Sundering Hammer Haft 5a by Test 15a 20a In stock 8-9-2023 10/7 Hammer Sundering Hammer Haft 15a 20a In stock 25-9-2023 10/6 Hammer Sundering Hammer Haft 15a 20a Back in stock 25-9-202310/5 HammerSundering Hammer Haft20a25a taken Sold to Pleikki 7-8-2023 3/-1 Hammer Vampiric Hammer Haft 15a 20a In stock 27-7-2023 2/-1 Hammer Vampiric Hammer Haft 10a by jack l eventreur 15a 20a In stock - - 1/-1 Hammer - - - - Not in stock Misc & Mini's
Added Pictures # Name Description C/O R/B B/O Status 25-8-2023 M.18 250 Jade Wind Orbs 5a by Aliss 40a Perfect Attribute Shields +1/20 +30
Listing here some of my perfect attribute shields. Not all are for sale, some are mutually exclusive and others will only go for very good offers.
# Shield req Mod 1 Mod 2 C/O R/B B/O Status E.1 Aegis r9 tac +30hp +1/20 Fire Sold in game E.2 Ornate Shield r11 tac +30hp +1/20 Fire E.3 Skeleton Shield r12 tac +30hp +1/20 Fire E.4 Aegis r10 tac +1/20 Earth +30hp Sold in game E.5 Reinforced Buckler r10 tac +1/20 Earth +30hp E.6 Reinforced Buckler r13 tac +1/20 Air +30hp or E.7 E.7 Skeleton Shield r13 tac +1/20 Air +30hp or E.6 E.8 Skeleton Shield r9 tac +1/20 Water +30hp or E.9 E.9 Bronze Shield r9 tac +30 +1/20 Water or E.8 E.10 Bladed Shield r10 str +1/20 Water +30hp E.11 Diamond Aegis r12 tac +30hp +1/20 Water E.12 Bladed Shield r13 str +1/20 Water +30hp 5a E.13 Spiked Targe r13 str +30hp +1/20 Water 5a # Shield req Mod 1 Mod 2 C/O R/B B/O Status Me.1 Echovald Shield r10 tac +30hp +1/20 Dom Me.2 Bladed Shield r12 str +1/20 Dom +30hp Me.3 Reinforced Buckler r10 tac +30hp +1/20 Illu Me.5 Spiked Targe r10 tac +30hp +1/20 Inspi or Me.6 Me.6 Round Shield r10 tac +1/20 Inspi +30hp or Me.5 Me.7 Skull Shield r12 tac +1/20 Inspi +30hp Me.8 Ornate Shield r12 str +1/20 Inspi +30hp Me.9 Bronze Shield r12 str +1/20 Inspi +30hp # Shield req Mod 1 Mod 2 C/O R/B B/O Status Mo.1 Wooden Buckler r10 tac +1/20 Heal +30hp Mo.2 Ornate Shield r10 tac +30hp +1/20 Heal Mo.3 Skeleton Shield r10 tac +1/20 Heal +30hp Mo.4 Bronze Shield r9 str +30hp +1/20 Prot Mo.5 Wooden Buckler r9 tac +1/20 Prot +30hp Mo.6 Bladed Shield r13 tac +30hp +1/20 Prot or Mo.7 8a Mo.7 Reinforced Buckler r13 tac +30hp +1/20 Prot or Mo.6 Mo.8 Echovald Shield r13 tac +1/20 Divine +30hp or Mo.9 8a by Gentleman Xander 8a 10aSold to Gentleman Xander for R/B Mo.9 Reinforced Buckler r13 tac +1/20 Divine +30hp or Mo.8 Mo.10 Skeleton Shield r12 tac +30hp +1/20 Smite Mo.11 Echovald Shield r13 tac +30hp +1/20 Smite or Mo.12 Mo.12 Round Shield r13 tac +1/20 Smite +30hp or Mo.13 # Shield req Mod 1 Mod 2 C/O R/B B/O Status N.1 Ornate Shield r9 tac +30hp +1/20 Death N.2 Aegis r9 tac +30hp +1/20 Death Sold in game N.3 Amber Aegis r11 tac +1/20 Death +30hp 15a by rupt 10a 15a met Sold to rupt for B/O N.4 Bladed Shield r9 tac +1/20 Curses +30hp 10a by Elojah 10a met 15a R/B met, selling to Elojah on 6th of March at 18:57 CET N.5 Ornate Shield r9 tac +1/20 Curses +30hp 10a by drink_soy_sauce 10a met 15a Sold to drink_soy_sauce for R/B N.6 Wooden Buckler r9 tac +30hp +1/20 Curses N.7 Ornate Buckler r9 tac +30hp +1/20 Curses N.8 Bronze Shield r10 tac +1/20 Curses +30hp N.9 Skeleton Shield r11 tac +30hp +1/20 Curses N.10 Ornate Shield r13 tac +1/20 Curses +30hp N.11 Ornate Shield r9 str +30hp +1/20 Blood N.12 Spiked Targe r9 tac +1/20 Blood +30hp N.13 Skeleton Shield r9 tac +1/20 Blood +30hp N.14 Gothic Defender r10 tac +30hp +1/20 Blood N.15 Ornate Shield r10 tac +1/20 Blood +30hp N.16 Skull Shield r12 tac +30hp +1/20 Blood or N.17 N.17 Aegis r12 tac +30hp +1/20 Blood or N.16 Sold in game # Shield req Mod 1 Mod 2 C/O R/B B/O Status Wa.1Eternal Shieldr9 str+1/20 Strength+30hpNo longer for sale Wa.2Shadow Shieldr9 str+1/20 Strength+30hpNo longer for sale Wa.3Bladed Shieldr9 str+30hp+1/20 StrengthNo longer for sale Wa.4 Skeleton Shield r9 tac +30hp +1/20 Tactics or W.5 Wa.5 Wooden Buckler r9 tac +30hp +1/20 Tactics or W.4 Wa.6 Skeleton Shield r10 tac +30hp +1/20 Tactics Wa.7 Reinforced Buckler r10 tac +30hp +1/20 Tactics Wa.8 Spiked Targe r13 tac +1/20 Tactics +30hp or W.9 Wa.9 Wooden Buckler r13 tac +1/20 Tactics +30hp or W.8 Sold/Removed items
31-7-2023BT.1Stone Summit Shield (Purple)13 Tac-1wE-1wStSold in game 31-7-2023BT.2Zodiac Shield8 Tac-2wSt+28Traded in game 5-7-2023SH.1Echovald Shield8 Str+29-2wESold in game 5-7-2023SH.3Enameled Shield8 TacInscr.Inscr.No longer for sale 5-7-2023SH.4Gothic Defender (Purple)8 Str-4/15+30wStSold in game 24-7-2023SH.6Shield of the Wing8 Tac+48wH+1/16 SmiteSold in game 24-7-2023SH.7Magmas Shield (White)7 StrN/AN/ASold in game 19-7-2023A.2Battlepick815^5050a bynategoesevil50a met 75aSold to nategoesevil 19-7-2023A.3War Axe815^50Sold in game 21-7-2023A.5Cleaver (Tyrian)817wHSold in game 19-7-2023SW.1Shadow Blade815^50115a by Toshi_01 115a met 150aSold to Toshi_01 19-7-2023SW.3Gladius815^50Sold in game 19-7-2023SW.4Wicked Blade815^50Sold in game 5-7-2023SW.5Zodiac Sword8CleanSold in game 21-7-2023SW.6Wingblade Sword816v50Sold in game 5-7-2023SW.7Shinobi Blade (Purple)813^50Sold in game 5-7-2023SW.8Gothic Sword (Purple)814^50Sold in game 5-7-2023SW.10Crenellated Sword813wStSold in game 31-7-2023SW.18Spatha815wStSold in game 19-7-2023B.1Shadow Bow815^50Sold in game 19-7-2023B.2Half Moon815^50Sold in game 31-7-2023B.3Half Moon815^50Sold in game 31-7-2023B.4Feathered Longbow814^50Sold in game 31-7-2023B.5Feathered Longbow813wStSold in game 31-7-2023B.6Feathered Longbow814wStSold in game 31-7-2023B.7Shortbow819v50Sold in game 3-8-2023B.8Flatbow (Wooden)813-10Traded in game 4-8-2023B.9Shadow Bow (200gv)815wESold in game 21-7-2023H.1Twin Hammer819v50Sold in game 27-7-2023H.2Shining Maul (Purple)812wStSold in game 31-7-2023H.3Magmas Arm813wESold in game 3-8-2023H.4Foehammer813wESold in game 3-8-2023H.5Summit Hammer816wHSold in game 5-7-2023ST.1Fire Staff (Core)8 FireHCT 9%HSR 10%Sold in game 5-7-2023ST.2Ghostly Staff9 SmiteHSR 9%HCT Smite 15%Traded in game 5-7-2023ST.3Holy Staff8 DivineHCT 7%N/ASold in game 21-7-2023ST.4Accursed Staff (Purple)8 CursesHSR 6%HCT Blood 11%Sold in game 31-7-2023ST.5Zodiac Staff8 WaterHSR 10%N/ASold in game 31-7-2023ST.6Shadow Staff8 DomiHSR 9%N/ASold in game 3-8-2023ST.7Bone Staff (Purple)8 DeathHSR 6%N/ASold in game 21-7-2023W.1Smiting Rod8 SmiteEnergy +4v50HCT 9%Sold in game 24-7-2023O.1Paper Fan (White)7 SoulN/AN/ASold in game 27-7-2023M.1211 Jade Wind OrbsN/ASold in game 31-7-2023M.3Sundering Hammer Haft10/9Sold in game 3-8-2023M.4Vampiric Axe Haft2/-1Sold in game 3-8-2023M.5Sundering Hammer Haft10/8Sold in game 3-8-2023M.6250 Jade Wind OrbsN/A40a by Teh 40a met 45aSold to Teh for R/B 3-8-2023M.7Mini KuunavangUndedSold in game 1-9-2023BT.3Tower Shield (Purple)5 Str (11 Ar)-2/3%-1wStTraded in game 24-7-2023SH.8Exalted Aegis9 Tac-3wH+30Traded in game 1-9-2023SH.11Eternal Shield8 Str+59wH-2wStSold in game 24-7-2023A.7Spiked Axe (Purple)811wESold in game 31-7-2023A.9Chaos Axe8CleanTraded in game 11-9-2023A.15Hand Axe913^50Sold in game 27-7-2023SW.16Dusk Blade8CleanTraded in game 27-7-2023SW.17Shinobi Blade8CleanTraded in game 3-8-2023SW.22Fiery Dragon Sword (Purple)811v50Sold in game 3-8-2023SW.23Butterfly Sword (Purple)811v50Sold in game 3-8-2023SW.24Dadao Sword (Purple)8CleanTraded in game 1-9-2023SW.25Long Sword813wStSold in game 8-9-2023SW.31Celestial Sword8CleanTraded in game 8-9-2023SW.32Fiery Dragon Sword (Purple)812v50Sold in game 1-9-2023B.10Plagueborn Hornbow815vHSold in game 1-9-2023B.11Composite Bow815vHSold in game 11-9-2023B.13Storm Bow (Non Max)8CleanTraded in game 3-8-2023H.7Twin Hammer (Purple)8CleanSold in game 1-9-2023H.9Zodiac Hammer (Purple)813^50Traded in game 8-9-2023H.11Mursaat Hammer (White)8CleanTraded in game 25-8-2023ST.8Jeweled Staff (Metal)10 IlluHCT Illu 16%HSR Inspi 20%Sold in game 25-8-2023ST.9Air Staff (Normal) (Purple)N/AHSR Air 18%HCT Fire 16%Sold in game 25-8-2023ST.10Raven Staff (White)N/AN/AN/ASold in game 8-9-2023ST.12Bone Staff8 DeathHCT Death 18%HSR 10%Sold in game 3-8-2023M.8Mini DestroyerDedSold in game 25-8-2023M.16Mixed DyeSold in game 25-8-2023M.17Dye RemoverSold in game 8-9-2023M.21Mixed DyeSold in game [NEW] 23-10-2023BT.6Aegis8 Tac-3/9-2wStSold in game 19-7-2023SW.2Shadow Blade815wESold in game 8-9-2023SW.26Wingblade Sword815^50Sold in game 25-9-2023B.14Storm Bow814^50Sold in game 25-9-2023B.15Shadow Bow813^50Sold in game 25-9-2023B.16Short Bow813^50Sold in game 8-9-2023ST.11Shadow Staff8 IlluHSR 9%HCT 9%Sold in game 8-9-2023 B.12 Composite Bow 8 13^50 Sold in game 8-9-2023 SH.12 Tall Shield (Non max) 7 Tac +35wE N/A Sold in game 19-7-2023 SW.11 Sailent Sword (Blue) 8 Inscr. 19-7-2023 SW.12 Wingblade Sword (Blue) 8 Inscr. 19-7-2023 SW.13 Greater Highlander Blade (Blue) 8 Inscr. 19-7-2023 SW.14 Lesser Sage Blade (Blue) 8 Inscr. 3a by San 19-7-2023 SW.15 Tribal Blade (Blue) 8 Inscr. -
love it
Don't think a triple mod. I do know Pleikki has a motivation mausoleum shield iirc