20a/ea shadow and half-moon bow

Added all R/B's! Loads of Pre-Nerf items and more! [NEW 23-12-2023: r8 Dragon Kamas 15wSt, r9 Bladed Shield + 10 vs Demons +1/20 Domination and more]
211 Jade Wind Orbs => 8a
paper fan 2a
211 Jade Wind Orbs => 10a
211 Jade Wind Orbs => 11a
1 jade wind orb 35e
Exalted Aegis 3a
Jade Orbs were sold yesterday to a friend. Sorry for those interested, I updated them on my thread immediatly.
SW.1 is sold to Toshi_01 for R/B!A.5 and H.1 were sold in game.
R/B Battlepick
Sold the following items in game: SH.6, SH.7, H.2 and O.1
In game offers on:
c/o 60a
c/o 40a
July 31, 2023 at 8:06 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[NEW 27-07-2023 - Jade Wind Orbs - Pre-Nerf Mods - r8 Dusk/Shinobi] - r7's - r8 Pre-Nerfs - r8 15^50's - r8 inscr. - +1/20 +30 Shields -” to “[NEW 31-07-2023: Dual Red SSS, r8 Zodiac Shield, r8 SWS, r8 Chaos, 10/9 Sundering] - r7's - r8 Pre-Nerfs - r8 15^50's - r8 inscr. - +1/20 +30 Shields -”. -
Sold A.2 to nategoesevil for R/B
Sold the following items in game: SW.4, B.1, B.2
BT.1 BT.2 SH.9 SH.10 A.8 A.9 A.10 SW.18 SW.19 SW.20 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 H.3 ST.5 ST.6 M.3 -
Hammer mod 10a ty
A9 10a
50a bt1
100a bt1
W2 3a
bt1 113a
BT2 15a
B3 25a
ST2 6a
ST3, ST4, ST5 , ST6 3a/ea
W1 3a
W2 4a
Bt1 120a
Bt2 50a
st5 6a
15a for the 3 shields + a free bump
Bt1 130
w2 truncheon 5a
Sold the following items in game: BT.1, SH.1 and B.7
Added:A.11 SW.21 SW.22 SW.23 SW.24 B.8 H.4 H.5 H.6 H.7 ST.7 O.2 M.4 M.5 M.6 M.7 M.8 -
August 3, 2023 at 10:27 AM Changed the title of the thread from “[NEW 31-07-2023: Dual Red SSS, r8 Zodiac Shield, r8 SWS, r8 Chaos, 10/9 Sundering] - r7's - r8 Pre-Nerfs - r8 15^50's - r8 inscr. - +1/20 +30 Shields -” to “[NEW 31-07-2023: 250 Jade Wind Orbs - More r8's - Pre-Nerf Mods - Mini's] - r7's - r8 Pre-Nerfs - r8 15^50's - r8 inscr. - +1/20 +30 Shields -”. -
M6 = 15a
ST7 = 100e
B8 = 10a
M.6 = 25a
M.8 = 20a -
M345 10a ea ty
M6 = 30a
M4 11a
Withdraw offer on axe vamp.
Other offers stands
M.6 = 35a
Sw7 140e
Wa1. 140e
R/Bs are up on some Misc, Mods & Mini's
B.9 -
B.8 Flatbow (Wooden) 12a
B4,B5,B6,B8,B9 15a/ea (:
Orbs 36a
ST2: 10a
B8: 17a
M.6 = 37a
M6 = 39a (: