Posts by Cloud Strife
50e cele shield
Echo is Sold and Pending Onaryen Rage
Sharktooth is Sold and Pending supra_23
Clouded Maul is Sold and Pending Purely
Pm me here to meet up, or whisper me IG if you see me online..IGN is in my Signature and thanks alot!
can I bid in peace for once @T Miles
Easy summer no a/c
Salt or sugar
Shield 5 40e
Shield 17 25e
What’s does platinum wand say? 5e
Yeah nun of this is merch. True value will be given in an auction…
Zodiac death is nice I agree on value maybe more depending on bid war.
Wayward are always nice and very wanted.
Exalted also wanted and yours have decent stats too bad about the 1 off Heath hurts it tremendously.
The zodiac shield is niche, I’m apart of that niche so I’d value it at 15-25e but tough sale, gotta find the right buyer.
q8Echo Will be Sold in 48hrs if no more bids
q7Sharktooth Will be Sold in 48hrs if no more bids
Woo Wisper me for pick up w/e your ready if no more bids before pick up
3 years in the making Lets see what we got..
Superior ID Kit
I dont even wanna know, I I'll let somebody else find out
B/O PROT Maggy
40e on Prot Zodiac
Magmas Prot 35e
Zodiac Prot 45e
Bleeding magmas 75e
15e outcast stance hex
Hip Hop from 2000+ even tho 80s vibes are dope
Nike/air Jordans or New Balance
12a for piosin Echo